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UWPX - About |
About this Site. |
This project wouldn't be possible without the great work of all those people working on the libraries used by UWPX. So take a second, head over and take a look at their great work!
- Microsoft.UI.Xaml Provides backward-compatible implementations of the default Microsoft UWP XAML UI platform for Windows 10.
- Windows Community Toolkit They provide an awesome collection of helper functions, custom controls and app services.
- App Center Crashes/Push/Analytics Allows me to collect crash reports (UWPX Privacy Policy).
- BouncyCastle A lightweight cryptography API for C#.
- NLog The library for logging used by UWPX.
- Easy-X25519 A simple library based on Golang's Curve25519 library.
- NSec.Cryptography NSec is a modern and easy-to-use cryptographic library for .NET 5+ and .NET Core based on libsodium.
- QRCoder An awesome QR-Code library.
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore The backend for storing all messages, chats and accounts.
- (fork) A super easy to use and powerful emoji and text-processing library for .NET.
- ZXing.Net A library which supports decoding and generating of barcodes (like QR Code, PDF 417, EAN, UPC, Aztec, Data Matrix, Codabar) within images.
- DnsClient.NET DnsClient.NET is a simple yet very powerful and high performant open source library for the .NET Framework to do DNS lookups.
- Newtonsoft.Json Popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET.
- PEXELS An awesome location for photos that can be used free for personal and commercial purposes (License).
- KingKili For introducing me to XMPP and pushing me to make my own app. He also started working on the UWPX-Push-Server.
Also special thanks to all the Alpha and Beta testers that reported bugs, made suggestions, supported the development with [donations]({{ "/donate/" | absolute_url }}) or just used and tested the app ❤️.
- Splashscreen: Thanks to Stefanie for the great work she has done designing the UWP splashscreen image. It consists out of the following icons/images. Their color has been changed for this.
This Site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0, available on GitHub and based on the Jekyll Massively theme from iwiedenm.