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matthewcburke edited this page Nov 16, 2012 · 2 revisions

Here is the latest on what we've accomplished, what we still have to do, and what we need from other groups.

What we've done so far.


We are now able to successfully map textures to the game objects created by the game engine.

Mobile Integration

We have the AR module successfully running as an activity within the mobile group's application.

Phone Location and Rotation

We are able to determine and print the phone's location and rotation relative to the game-board target.

Secondary Target Location

We have a theoretical solution and are working on testing the implementation of determining secondary targets' locations relative to the game-board target.

Created Game-Board Target

We have replaced the sample targets with our own images, and have settled on a multi-target as a good solution for scaling the game-board target size. A multi-target is a collection of image targets on a unified coordinate system. They can be arranged in any manner we define.

What We're Working On

Creating a Game Object Structure

We are still deciding how we are going to store and pass information about the game objects. As we parse the JSON Obect we will store the information in these game objects. At the minimum, the structure needs to store:

  • an ID,
  • an x, y, and z location, and
  • rotations around the x, y, and z axes.

Passing Game Objects From Java through the JNI (Java Native Interface)

There are a couple of ways that we could pass information from the Java code to the C++. This step is closely related to the type of data structure we choose to represent the game objects.

Writing a Draw Loop

We are still fine tuning the implementation of a drawing loop to draw a collection of game objects on the game-board.

Handle Touch Event/Shoot Fireballs

The mobile group is already able to handle touch events and pass screen coordinates. We need to take these screen coordinates and convert them into a three-dimensional vector in the game-board coordinate system. We have a good example of how we will do this, but haven't yet incorporated that into our module.

Test 5 Target Tracking

Test how well the system tracks five targets. Determine the best type of target to use for the secondary targets.

Plus Many Details

We have a plan of how we will do everything, but the devil is in the details. It is a complex system, and as we put everything together we are bound to run into unforeseen challenges.

What We Need

Web Server

  • An firm version of the JSON Object. Ideally up and running so that we can practice getting game states and posting phone information. ASAP

Game Engine

  • Sort out game-board size and scaling details. ASAP
  • Practice passing/receiving game state and phone information. Week of 11/26
  • Final versions of the game object models. 12/3 At the latest
    • Blender models are working for us.
    • If they have textures, we should be able to use those too.
    • A one piece model for the robot?


  • Continued close collaboration to integrate our game activities. Ongoing
    • Handling touch events.
    • Posting and getting information to and from the JSON object.
    • Integrating the UI.