AvatarGo has been tested in Unity 2020.3 LTS and 2021.2
We recommend using 2020.3+ since previous Unity version may have different dependencies/packages manager and AvatarGo might be more difficult to install. However, if you manage to install all dependencies (SteamVR, Netcode for GameObjects and TextMeshPro) it should work in older Unity versions.
There are two ways to install AvatarGo: creating a new project by cloning this repository or using an existing project and adding AvatarGo as a package. We recommend using the first option since it will contain the most updated version:
Clone this repository with git or download it as a zip
Open the project with Unity (it will warn you that there are errors in the project, press continue and ignore)
When the project is cloned, the Package Manager dependencies should be handled automatically by Unity, if that is not the case, please follow the steps for installing dependencies in the Second option section
Install SteamVR from the Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/steamvr-plugin-32647 (When installing SteamVR, Unity should automatically set up the project for its use in VR and install OpenVR)
Delete all MainCameras in the scene (or change their MainCamera tag)
Download the last version of the .unitypackage from the Release page
Open the package or go to the Unity menu ``Assets/Import Package/Custom Package` and select the package
At this point, some errors will appear until all dependencies are installed:
From the Packages Window
Window/Package Manager
:- Enable preview packages:
- Settings/gear button and select Advanced Project Settings
- Check Enable Preview Packages or Enable Pre-release Packages (depending on the Unity version)
- Enable preview packages:
Install the following packages (if not already installed) from the Packages Window:
- Netcode for GameObjects:
- Click the + button
- Click Add package from git URL, and paste:
(do not add any empty space at the beginning or end, otherwise Unity does not recognize this URL) and click Add - Once the package is installed, make sure the installed version is 1.0.0-pre.3 (newer versions may not work).
- TextMeshPro (from Unity Registry) (after installation, make sure the TMP Essential Resources are imported from the TextMeshPro window)
- Netcode for GameObjects:
Install SteamVR from the Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/steamvr-plugin-32647 (When installing SteamVR, Unity should automatically set up the project for its use in VR and install OpenVR)
Delete all MainCameras in the scene (or change their MainCamera tag)