Open source software is essential for modern statistical production, fostering transparency in methodology and promoting international collaboration in developing and supporting the production of official statistics.
Consequently, the charter and principles herein on Open Source Software in official statistics in both the production of software, and the adoption of software for statistical production, have been drafted under the HLG-MOS Open-Source Software Project for consideration of endorsement by the UNECE HLG-MOS.
Be aware that content found here is currently under draft and should not be considered final copy at the current time of writing.
Note: The following instructions assume that you are using RStudio, and have basic familiarity with Git, R, and Quarto.
Note: For write access to this repo, please contact Andrew J. Tait of UNECE.
Begin by cloning the repo.
Add changes to charter.qmd etc. as required.
Render the web site locally by clicking on the "Build" tab in the Environment etc. pane, then clicking "Render Website".
If everything looks fine, then commit and push all changes to GitHub.
This repo was initially generated from a Quarto template available here: