diff --git a/index.md b/index.md index cb07b34..a4c1dc4 100644 --- a/index.md +++ b/index.md @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ instructor: ["Ry4an Brase", "Elysia Chou", "Jaie Woodard"] # boxed, comma-separa helper: ["Mark Ciechanowski", "Gregory Johnson", "Cynthia Sopko"] # boxed, comma-separated list of helpers' names, like ["Marlyn Wescoff", "Fran Bilas", "Ruth Lichterman"] email: ["samarti@umich.edu"] # boxed, comma-separated list of contact email addresses for the host, lead instructor, or whoever else is handling questions, like ["marlyn.wescoff@example.org", "fran.bilas@example.org", "ruth.lichterman@example.org"] collaborative_notes: https://pad.carpentries.org/2024-10-14-UMich # optional: URL for the workshop collaborative notes, e.g. an Etherpad or Google Docs document (e.g., https://pad.carpentries.org/2015-01-01-euphoria) -googleform: "https://forms.gle/fptkWALzPvjdPjLs9" +googleform: "https://forms.gle/aHpHh2ZY5wetP9at7" material: "R for Plotting, The Unix Shell, Intro to git & GitHub, R for Data Analysis, Writing Reports with R Markdown" ---