- Uncoupled multisession (neknek) simulations
- Gather scatter operations across sessions
- Gather scatter options across gtp-planes
- par file support for postnek
- mkSIZE to automatically create SIZE file
- Object and boundary handling
- RANS k-Omega and k-Omega-SST (experimental)
- Online mesh-smoother (experimental)
- ElapsedTime option for writeControl (in par)
- Print runtime-statistics every 100 steps
- Support for GNU 8.x compilers
- Support for Cray compilers
- Support for ARM compilers
- Add AVM regularization for scalars (experimental)
- FEM_AMG precoditioner (experimental) p40=3
- SEMG_AMG_HYPRE precoditioner (experimental) p40=2
- CHT support for generic fld reader
- Overwrite core routines in usr
- Lagrangian phase model - LPM (experimental)
- Various bug fixes
- Remove PPLIST symbol NEKNEK (not required anymore)
- Use valint instead of ubc in userbc for neknek
- Remove multimesh_create call from usr file (not required anymore)
- Adjust calls to interpolation wrapper according to new interface in interp.f
- Remove common block CTORQ from usr (now part of OBJDATA included in TOTAL)
- Use amg_setup tool instead of amg_hypre (required for semg_amg preconditioner)
- Your parameters to the reserved user space param(170) - param(200)
- Set lelr in SIZE for a restart using muliple files (check value in hdr)
- Use planar_avg() instead of planar_average_z etc.
We are grateful to all who added new features, filed issues or helped resolve them, asked and answered questions, and were part of inspiring discussions.