Produce a research question and proposal for your term project using a computational social science research design
- Clearly state a research question
- Maybe give a few citations (not a full literature review)
- Give a little information about why it is interesting
- Give a little information about what your contribution will be
- Describe how you will answer that question
- What data will you use?
- Maybe give a preliminary figure/plot/table
- What theory will you use to interpret the data?
- What analyses and computational tools will you use?
- What data will you use?
- What do you think your answer might be?
- What are the potential channels and alternatives?
- You should prepare a 5 minute quasi-Ignite-style presentation using slides
- Exactly 10 slides, auto-advancing every 30 seconds
- Use any software you want to generate the slides as long as you include a PDF version
- Here is a LaTeX slides template you can use if you wish.
- Push your slides to your project repository on your GitHub fork in the
folder no later than 11:59pm Central Time (Chicago Time), Tuesday, April 14. - You will present your proposal with slides in class on Wednesday, April 15.
- State your research question clearly
- Usually a narrower scope is better
- Title should refer to a question
- Make sure to use a computationally-enhanced research design
- This could involve computational elements for data collection or statistical learning methods
- This could involve running a digital survey or experiment or simulation
- What you should not prepare - a basic OLS/logistic regression model reevaluating a commonly used observational data set. Do something more computationally cutting edge.
- Make sure you can get the data
- If you have a title slide, know that we will spend 30 seconds there
- Manage your time during the presentation
- Don't spend too much time on the literature
- Answer questions but don't get derailed
- What topic areas are you interested in?
- Read the most current articles.
- Extend one of those papers in a small way.
- New data
- New population
- Question about different part of the data
- New/better methods
- Must use computational method more sophisticated than linear regression.
- Can use logit if you code your own likelihood function
- Web scraping, Mechanical Turk, structural economics (computation and/or estimation), machine learning (prediction), especially cool would be machine learning with inference.
- Look for open source projects in your area that you can build off of.
- Talk to faculty.