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Multiple Linear Regression models

Example exercise: Trip production of 57 Traffic Assignment Zones of Chicago in 1960’s.

Your task: Estimate a linear regression model that predicts trips per occupied dwelling unit.


  • TODU: Motorized Trips (private car or Public Transportation) per occupied dwelling unit;

  • ACO: Average car ownership (cars per dwelling);

  • AHS: Average household size;

  • SRI: Social Rank Index:

    1. proportion of blue-collar workers (e.g., construction, mining);
    2. proportion of people with age higher than 25 years that have completed at least 8 year of education; (Note: The SRI has its maximum value when there are no blue-collar workers and all adults have education of at least 8 years)
  • UI: Urbanization Index:

    1. fertility rate, defined as the ratio of children under 5 years of age to the female population of childbearing age;
    2. female labor force participation rate, meaning the % of women who are in the labor force;
    3. % of single family units to total dwelling units.

    The degree of urbanization index would be increased by a) lower fertility rate, b) higher female labor force participation rate, and c) higher proportion of single dwelling units. (Note: High values for this index imply less attachment to the home)

  • SI:Segregation Index It measures the proportion of an area to which minority groups (e.g: non-whites, foreign-born, Eastern Europeans) live in isolation. (Note: High values for this index imply that those communities are less prone to leaving their living areas and as such to having lower levels of mobility)

Let’s begin!

Import Libraries
library(readxl) #Library used to import excel files
library(tidyverse) # Pack of most used libraries
library(skimr) # Library used for providing a summary of the data
library(DataExplorer) # Library used in data science to perform exploratory data analysis
library(corrplot) # Library used for correlation plots
library(car) # Library used for testing autocorrelation (Durbin Watson)
library(olsrr) # Library used for testing multicollinearity (VIF, TOL, etc.)
Import dataset
dataset <- read_excel("Data/TDM_Class3_MLR_Chicago_Example.xls")
## [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
Transform the dataset into a dataframe
df <- data.frame(dataset)
Show summary statistics
Name df
Number of rows 57
Number of columns 6
Column type frequency:
numeric 6
Group variables None

Data summary

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
TODU 0 1 5.37 1.33 3.02 4.54 5.10 6.13 9.14 ▃▇▅▃▁
ACO 0 1 0.81 0.18 0.50 0.67 0.79 0.92 1.32 ▆▇▇▃▁
AHS 0 1 3.19 0.39 1.83 3.00 3.19 3.37 4.50 ▁▂▇▂▁
SI 0 1 13.07 12.19 2.17 6.82 9.86 15.08 62.53 ▇▂▁▁▁
SRI 0 1 49.56 15.84 20.89 38.14 49.37 60.85 87.38 ▅▆▇▅▂
UI 0 1 52.62 13.46 24.08 44.80 55.51 61.09 83.66 ▃▅▇▅▁
##       TODU            ACO              AHS              SI       
##  Min.   :3.020   Min.   :0.5000   Min.   :1.830   Min.   : 2.17  
##  1st Qu.:4.540   1st Qu.:0.6700   1st Qu.:3.000   1st Qu.: 6.82  
##  Median :5.100   Median :0.7900   Median :3.190   Median : 9.86  
##  Mean   :5.373   Mean   :0.8118   Mean   :3.185   Mean   :13.07  
##  3rd Qu.:6.130   3rd Qu.:0.9200   3rd Qu.:3.370   3rd Qu.:15.08  
##  Max.   :9.140   Max.   :1.3200   Max.   :4.500   Max.   :62.53  
##       SRI              UI       
##  Min.   :20.89   Min.   :24.08  
##  1st Qu.:38.14   1st Qu.:44.80  
##  Median :49.37   Median :55.51  
##  Mean   :49.56   Mean   :52.62  
##  3rd Qu.:60.85   3rd Qu.:61.09  
##  Max.   :87.38   Max.   :83.66

Multiple Linear Regression

Equation with TODU as the dependent variable:

YTODU = β0 + β1ACO + β2AHS + β3SI + β4SRI + β5UI + ε

Checking assumptions

Before running the model, you need to check if the assumptions are met.

Linear relation

For instance, let’s take a look if the independent variables have linear relation with the dependent variable.

par(mfrow=c(2,3)) #set plot area as 2 rows and 3 columns
plot(x = df$TODU, y = df$ACO, xlab = "TODU", ylab = "ACO")  
plot(x = df$TODU, y = df$AHS, xlab = "TODU", ylab = "AHS")  
plot(x = df$TODU, y = df$SI, xlab = "TODU", ylab = "SI")  
plot(x = df$TODU, y = df$SRI, xlab = "TODU", ylab = "SRI")  
plot(x = df$TODU, y = df$UI, xlab = "TODU", ylab = "UI")

Or you could execute a pairwise scatterplot matrix, that compares every variable with each other:

pairs(df[,1:6], pch = 19, lower.panel = NULL)

Note: SRI and TODU do not have a linear relationship. This should interfere on the model.

Normal distribution of the dependent variable

Check if the dependent variable is normally distributed. If the sample is smaller than 2000 observations, use Shapiro-Wilk test:

##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  df$TODU
## W = 0.96816, p-value = 0.1377

If not, use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

ks.test(df$TODU, "pnorm", mean=mean(df$TODU), sd = sd(df$TODU))
## Warning in ks.test(df$TODU, "pnorm", mean = mean(df$TODU), sd = sd(df$TODU)):
## ties should not be present for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  df$TODU
## D = 0.12231, p-value = 0.3612
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided

Note: Regarding the warning that appears in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test “ties should not be present for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test”, what most likely happened is that this test is only reliable with continuous variables.

Although TODU is a continuous variable, the small sample size (n=57) makes it likely to have repeated values. Consequently, the test considers TODU as a categorical variable. Therefore, this is another evidence, that for small samples it is more appropriate to use the Shapiro-Wilk Test.
The null hypothesis of both tests is that the distribution is normal. Therefore, for the distribution to be normal, the pvalue > 0.05 and you should not reject the null hypothesis.

Multiple linear regression model

model <- lm(TODU ~ ACO + AHS + SI + SRI + UI, data = df)
## Call:
## lm(formula = TODU ~ ACO + AHS + SI + SRI + UI, data = df)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.4771 -0.3842 -0.0262  0.4116  2.0806 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  2.817367   2.208380   1.276 0.207820    
## ACO          3.646707   0.956500   3.813 0.000372 ***
## AHS          0.323673   0.412119   0.785 0.435860    
## SI           0.005325   0.009279   0.574 0.568550    
## SRI          0.008135   0.008804   0.924 0.359783    
## UI          -0.036264   0.013330  -2.720 0.008894 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.7554 on 51 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7042, Adjusted R-squared:  0.6752 
## F-statistic: 24.28 on 5 and 51 DF,  p-value: 2.04e-12

Assessing the model:

  1. First check the pvalue and the F statistics of the model to see if there is any statistical relation between the dependent variable and the independent variables. If pvalue < 0.05 and the F statistics > Fcritical = 2,39, then the model is statistically acceptable.
  2. The R-square and Adjusted R-square evaluate the amount of variance that is explained by the model. The difference between one and other is that the R-square does not consider the number of variables. If you increase the number of variables in the model, the R-square will tend to increase which can lead to overfitting. On the other hand, the Adjusted R-square adjusts to the number of independent variables.
  3. Take a look at the t-value and the Pr(>|t|). If the t-value > 1,96 or Pr(>|t|) < 0,05, then the IV is statistically significant to the model.
  4. To analyze the estimates of the variables, you should first check the signal and evaluate if the independent variable has a direct or inverse relationship with the dependent variable. It is only possible to evaluate the magnitude of the estimate if all variables are continuous and standardized or by calculating the elasticities. The elasticities are explained and demonstrated in chapter 5.

Let’s see how do the residuals behave by plotting them.

  • Residuals vs Fitted: This plot is used to detect non-linearity, heteroscedasticity, and outliers.
  • Normal Q-Q: The quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot is used to check if the dependent variable follows a normal distribution.
  • Scale-Location: This plot is used to verify if the residuals are spread equally (homoscedasticity) or not (heteroscedasticity) through the sample.
  • Residuals vs Leverage: This plot is used to detect the impact of the outliers in the model. If the outliers are outside the Cook-distance, this may lead to serious problems in the model.

Try analyzing the plots and check if the model meets the assumptions.



Execute the Durbin-Watson test to evaluate autocorrelation of the residuals

##  lag Autocorrelation D-W Statistic p-value
##    1       0.1416308      1.597747   0.086
##  Alternative hypothesis: rho != 0

Note: In the Durbin-Watson test, values of the D-W Statistic vary from 0 to 4. If the values are from 1.8 to 2.2 this means that there is no autocorrelation in the model.


Calculate the VIF and TOL to test for multicollinearity.

##   Variables Tolerance      VIF
## 1       ACO 0.3528890 2.833752
## 2       AHS 0.3963709 2.522889
## 3        SI 0.7968916 1.254876
## 4       SRI 0.5236950 1.909508
## 5        UI 0.3165801 3.158758

Note: Values of VIF > 5, indicate multicollinearity problems.

Calculate the Condition Index to test for multicollinearity

##    Eigenvalue Condition Index    intercept          ACO          AHS
## 1 5.386537577        1.000000 6.994331e-05 0.0005136938 0.0001916512
## 2 0.444466338        3.481252 6.484243e-05 0.0026682253 0.0001278701
## 3 0.084386209        7.989491 5.829055e-05 0.0478676279 0.0091615336
## 4 0.073784878        8.544195 1.355679e-03 0.0031699136 0.0100934045
## 5 0.009322827       24.037043 5.414145e-03 0.7943557055 0.2105218176
## 6 0.001502171       59.881840 9.930371e-01 0.1514248340 0.7699037229
##            SI         SRI           UI
## 1 0.007888051 0.001515333 6.216297e-04
## 2 0.693175876 0.006641788 7.488285e-07
## 3 0.051400736 0.055585833 1.128114e-01
## 4 0.152292605 0.382488929 4.801705e-02
## 5 0.090809203 0.374832118 1.851308e-01
## 6 0.004433528 0.178935999 6.534183e-01

Note: Condition index values > 15 indicate multicollinearity problems, and values > 30 indicate serious problems of multicollinearity.

To test both simultaneously, you can run the code below:
