This project is the starter kit for the who wants to use ReactJS isomorphic-rendering with Serverless framework (AWS).
React-Router v4
Other dependencies
TypeScript - Basic language
ReactJS - Frontend library
Redux - App state manager
Serverless - managing AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and the others within cloud-formation
- Add server side rendering dev tool like Razzle
- Add TEST
- This isn't free to start. Because it uses AWS's several services(Lambda, API Gateway, S3, CloudFront, CloudFormation, (Route53))*
Set AWS Credential You should set AWS IAM Role and account setting. visit below guide and precede AWS settings before run deploying script Serverless AWS account setting guide
Make S3 Bucket to upload your bundled S3
Make S3 Bucket
(If you can connect this with CDN like the Cloudfront, the script loading speed will be better. But in this case you should change some code in deploy logic and normal logic too.)
Set S3 Bucket information in <root_directory>/scripts/builds/config.ts
git clone
cd beyond.ts
npm install
Running dev server
npm run dev
at staging server
npm run deploy:stage
at production server
npm run deploy:prod
npm i -g serverless
serverless logs -f [function name] -s [stage name]
ex) serverless logs -f ssr -s stage
If you want to watch logs in watch mode(continuously), just run with -t option
serverless logs -f [function name] -s [stage name] -t
- Make and Apply new git tag for SCM and destination path.
- Make bundled JS files for server-side and browser-side.
- Upload bundled JS files to S3 and Remove browser side bundled JS.
- Copy package.json that only for serverless to dist folder.
- Install all packages in dist folder and zip them with bundled JS.
- Deploy Lambda and relevant packages by using serverless
- Add server side rendering dev tool like Razzle
- Add TEST
- Minimize node_modules size