- Initial TYPO3 8.7 LTS Support
- bugfix if extensions depend on templavoila
- bugfix if cal isn't installed
- bugfix autoloading in T3 >= 6.2
- bugfix cal indexer in T3 7.6
- bugfix page indexer
- support rnbase domain models
- support reindexing deleted elements recursively
- new config for solr 6.2
- new feature grouped search in solr
- new feature charbrowser for solr
- new indexer for gridelements
- new indexer for news
- refactor several code and tests
- bugfix for core selection in solr admin panel
- bemodule refactored to rnbase module runner
- be module registration for TYPO3 6 and above refactored
- support for workspaces included (IMPORTANT: reindexing of all data is neccessary if you have workspaces)
- updates manual
- escape single quotes in the search term upon display in the FE for Lucence, Solr and ElasticSearch filters to avoid XSS
- converted documentation to markdown
- make some methods in solr response processor protected for inheritance
- solr response processer class can be extended from now on
- raw value added to facet object
- fieldsConversion needs TSFE for cObj
- added support for TYPO3 7.6
- removed CLI Crawler. Please use the Scheduler Task for indexing instead
- cleanup and refactoring
- added dfs field for irfaq categories
- Handling of deleted files on FAL Indexing added
- added missing exclude option in flexform for some fields
- add new sorting feature for dfs fields
- bugfix in case a FAL file has no storage
- use title of FAL entites from metadata
- fix solr ping checks to be typesafe
- new addModelsToIndex method do add rnbase models and ArrayObjects to indexing queue
- numbers are now accepted in fieldnames for filtering
- [BUGFIX] passed model in tx_mksearch_indexer_Base::indexEnableColumns is not changed anymore
- [!!!][BUGFIX] sys_files with special characters like umlauts in their filename are now indexed correctly with the FAL indexer. You need the reindex all sys_file records!
- [TASK] added FieldConversion for tt_news and tt_content indexer
- [TASK] buildFacetData fallback removed tx_mksearch_util_FacetBuilder
- [TASK] Support for stdWrap in FieldConversion (issue _`#6`: DMKEBUSINESSGMBH#6)
- [TASK] use TS parsinf of rn_base to support file includes etc. in indexer configuration (_`#7`: DMKEBUSINESSGMBH#7)
- [TASK] Support tags for fq-parameters (_`#8`: DMKEBUSINESSGMBH#8)
- [TASK] rendering suggestions (_`#9`: DMKEBUSINESSGMBH#9)
- [TASK] support for query facets added (_`#10`: DMKEBUSINESSGMBH#10)
- [TASK] solr filter method parseFieldAndValue moved to filter util
- [TASK] added documentation for the use of Tika to index PDFs etc.
- some code cleanup and bugfixes
- [FEATURE] #4 support for query facets
- [FEATURE] Predefined form field for sorting search results in solr
- [FEATURE] Indexer configuration: It is possible to index database fields (commaseparated) into more several document attributes
- [FEATURE] Predefined form field to limit page size for solr
- [FEATURE] Indexer configuration: It is possible to autoconvert unix timestamps to ISO dates with fieldsConversion.attributename.unix2isodate=1
- check the manual, the example templates and static/static_extension_template/setup.txt for the new features
- [TASK] typecast to int for preferer option, instead of bool cast
- [TASK] optimize index on commit with service method from interface.
- [TASK] new getPreparedIndexDocMockByRecord method for phpunit tests
- [CLEANUP] abort message changed for ttnewss indexer
- [BUGFIX] modelToIndex property now protected instead of private
- [BUGFIX] solr search cache key fixed. (generateCacheKey walks recursiveley over field and options now)
- [TASK] fallback to page title for emty content headers when indexing tt_content
- [TASK] content anchor for search entries to the url
- [TASK] new dfs field for news categories of tt_news
- [TASK] pid in getPageContent has to be an integer and greather than 0.
- [CLEANUP] title parsing outsourced to own method
- [TASK] compatibility of mksearch with cal 1.9.0