CI_Parser =============== Parser Class * Class name: CI_Parser * Namespace: Properties ---------- ### $l_delim public string $l_delim = '{' Left delimiter character for pseudo vars * Visibility: **public** ### $r_delim public string $r_delim = '}' Right delimiter character for pseudo vars * Visibility: **public** ### $CI protected object $CI Reference to CodeIgniter instance * Visibility: **protected** Methods ------- ### __construct void CI_Parser::__construct() Class constructor * Visibility: **public** ### parse string CI_Parser::parse($template, $data, $return) Parse a template Parses pseudo-variables contained in the specified template view, replacing them with the data in the second param * Visibility: **public** #### Arguments * $template **mixed** * $data **mixed** * $return **mixed** ### parse_string string CI_Parser::parse_string($template, $data, $return) Parse a String Parses pseudo-variables contained in the specified string, replacing them with the data in the second param * Visibility: **public** #### Arguments * $template **mixed** * $data **mixed** * $return **mixed** ### _parse string CI_Parser::_parse($template, $data, $return) Parse a template Parses pseudo-variables contained in the specified template, replacing them with the data in the second param * Visibility: **protected** #### Arguments * $template **mixed** * $data **mixed** * $return **mixed** ### set_delimiters void CI_Parser::set_delimiters($l, $r) Set the left/right variable delimiters * Visibility: **public** #### Arguments * $l **mixed** * $r **mixed** ### _parse_single string CI_Parser::_parse_single($key, $val, $string) Parse a single key/value * Visibility: **protected** #### Arguments * $key **mixed** * $val **mixed** * $string **mixed** ### _parse_pair string CI_Parser::_parse_pair($variable, $data, $string) Parse a tag pair Parses tag pairs: {some_tag} string... {/some_tag} * Visibility: **protected** #### Arguments * $variable **mixed** * $data **mixed** * $string **mixed**