This is an intensive course that teaches how to use the finite element library deal.II (
Prerequisites: you should be familiar with C/C++, and with the Unix command line.
We'll cover the basics of Finite Element Methods, and go from solving the Laplace equation on a uniformly refined grid, to solving the same equation using adaptively refined grids, in parallel, on a supercomputer.
Lectures will be structured (flexibly) in the following way:
- 9.30-11.00: frontal lectures
- 11.30-13.00: exercises
- 13:00-14:00: lunch break
- 14:00-15.30: frontal lectures
- 15:30-17:00: exercies
The topics we will cover are the following:
- Introduction to Finite Element Methods
- Introduction to deal.II (step-1 and step-2 of the deal.II tutorials)
- Solving Poisson's equation
- Local refinement + hanging nodes
- Computing errors
- Shared memory parallelisation
- MPI parallelisation: Shared
- MPI parallelisation: Distributed
During the week, we'll assign a small project to small groups.