#Using cmake module
This page describe will help you to use to write c++ projects using cmake simply. Three modules are provided :
- 'gradle-cpp-plugin' : the main component
- 'gradle-cpp-cppUnitTest' : to compile and launch test
- 'Find-cppUnitTest' : Use by 'gradle-cppUnitTest' to check if cppUnit is well installed on your computer.
Thes modules can be find here.
This module add this features :
- the sourceset 'src/main/headers' and 'src/main/cpp'.
- the usage of gradle dependencies.
- the possibility to get values in a '.properties' file
The plugin add two sourceset 'src/main/headers' and 'src/main/cpp'.
Files in 'src/main/headers' should only contains headers files. Headers files will be copied in the folder 'build/tmp/headers'. All files in this sourcset will be consequently visible for other projects. If you want to hide a header file, put it in 'src/main/cpp'.
Files in 'src/main/cpp' should only contains c++ or c files. Sources are placed in a CMake variable
add_library (
Good practice : files in a namespace should be in folder with the same name.
The module store dinamically all static libraries comming from gradle (ex : 'compile 'foo.bar:my-library:1.0@clib') and place it in a CMake variable '${STATIC_LIBRARIES}'.
Directly, in your code, you can use API from your dependencies. To link these externals libraries to your executable or your library. add this to your 'CMakelists.txt' file. ''' add_executable(<target_name> ${SOURCES}) '''
Properties file are used to store a list of 'keys', 'values'. One exemple of this type of file is the file 'gradle.properties'. ''' group=fr.echoes.example version=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT ''' The module give the possility to read this type of files and find values. One useful case is to get the project version. To do this, call the function get_property_value(FilePath PropertiesKey output_variable)
- FilePath is the location of the propertie file
- PropertiesKey is the property key we want the value
- output_variable is the variable name to store the result.
Example : ''' get_property_value(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/gradle.properties "version" VERSION) ''' This line return for the previous 'gradle.properties' the result '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'.
''' cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) project (hello-main)
set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules/")
get_property_value(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/gradle.properties "version" VERSION)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${STATIC_LIBRARIES}) '''
The 'gradle-ccp-cppUnitTest' module had this features :
- the sourcesets 'src/test/headers' and 'src/test/cpp'
- checking if cppUnit is install on your computer or not (the module does not install it)
- launch test (create a rule 'test' for make for example)
The 'find-cppUnitTest' is a module to check in cppUnit is installed on your computer. You don't have to use this module directly. This module is called by the 'gradle-cpp-cppUnitTest' module.
Examples can be found in here.
I'm not an expert of cmake. These modules can be improved. You help is welcomed :). You can see the next cool features or issues to fix here.