Scripts to install and configure tendrl packages
The set of ansible play book scrips can be used to configure and install tendrl-server and tendrl-nodes remotly in a headless system.
The following are scripts can be used to initialize, package installation, configuration and post configuration.
- server-install.yaml
- node-install.yaml
- node-install-mon.yaml
- node-install-osd.yaml
- node-install-ceph-provisioner.yaml
- node-install-gluster.yaml
Configuration file tendrl.conf is the configuration file for providing details like nodes, etcd-server, api-server and any other details. Currently its sufficient to provide only the etcd server ip.
Server Installation: server-install.yaml script can be called using ansible-playbook to install and configure all the required packages and its dependencies for tendrl server.
Ex. [root@dhcp42-16 automake]# ansible-playbook server-install.yaml
This does the following tasks:
1) Initialization
checking systemd running] ***********************************
re-checking systemd running] ********************************
copy tendrl release repo file] ******************************
copy tendrl dependencies repo file] *************************
make sure firewalld installed] ******************************
make sure firewalld disabled] *******************************
make sure firewalld stopped] ********************************
2) Package Installation
installing epel-release] **********************************
installing etcd] ******************************************
installing tendrl-api] ************************************
Update package "api" to latest version] *******************
Update package "commons" to latest version] ***************
Update package "node-agent" to latest version] ************
Update package "dashboard" to latest version] *************
Update package "performance-monitoring" to latest version]
Update package "alerting" to latest version] **************
3) Configuration
configure tendrl-api] ****************************************
configure etcd listen clients] *******************************
configure etcd send clinets] *********************************
configure performance-monitoring
configuring alerting
4) Post Installation
Restart etcd service] *************************************
Restart httpd service] ************************************
Restart carbon cache] *************************************
configure etcd listen clients] ****************************
Node Installation
A tendrl node can be a mon node or osd node or gluster node or a
ceph provisioner node or it can be a node which support osd, mon,
and gluster.
The following are the yaml files can be used to install the node
based on its role.
ANY/Can play any role (ALL): node-install.yaml [root@dhcp42-16 automake]# ansible-playbook node-install.yaml
Ceph Mon Node: node-install-mon.yaml [root@dhcp42-16 automake]# ansible-playbook node-install-mon.yaml
Does the following tasks: initialize checking systemd running *********************************** re-checking systemd running ******************************** copy tendrl release repo file ****************************** copy tendrl dependencies repo file ************************* copy tendrl gdeploy repo file ****************************** make sure firewalld installed ****************************** make sure firewalld disabled ******************************* make sure firewalld stopped ********************************
install-pkgs-node installing epel-release ***************************** installing tendrl-node-agent ************************ installing tendrl-node-monitoring *******************
update-packages Update package "commons" to latest version ********** Update package "node-agent" to latest version ******* Update package "node-monitoring" to latest version **
configure-node configure node-monitoring ****************************** install ceph-mon repo ************************* Restart tendrl-node-agent *************************** configure etcd listen clients ***********************
Ceph Osd Node: node-install-osd.yaml [root@dhcp42-16 automake]# ansible-playbook node-install-osd.yaml
Ceph Provisioner Node: node-install-ceph-provisioner.yaml [root@dhcp42-16 automake]# ansible-playbook node-install-ceph-provisioner.yaml
Gluster Node: node-install-gluster.yaml [root@dhcp42-16 automake]# ansible-playbook node-install-gluster.yaml