diff --git a/music21/base.py b/music21/base.py
index 7173fd915..f9094f560 100644
--- a/music21/base.py
+++ b/music21/base.py
@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ def purgeOrphans(self, excludeStorageStreams=True) -> None:
             # if the site does not actually have this Music21Object in
             # its elements list, it is an orphan and should be removed
             # note: this permits non-site context Streams to continue
-            if s.isStream and not self in s:
+            if s.isStream and self not in s:
                 if excludeStorageStreams:
                     # only get those that are not Storage Streams
                     if ('SpannerStorage' not in s.classes
diff --git a/music21/roman.py b/music21/roman.py
index 3e8606954..e870ea34d 100644
--- a/music21/roman.py
+++ b/music21/roman.py
@@ -2415,7 +2415,7 @@ def __init__(
         # immediately fix low-preference figures
         if isinstance(figure, str):
-            figure = figure.replace('0', 'o')  # viio7
+            figure = re.sub(r'(?<!\d)0', 'o', figure)  # viio7 (but don't alter 10.)
             figure = figure.replace('º', 'o')
             figure = figure.replace('°', 'o')
             # /o is just a shorthand for ø -- so it should not be stored.
@@ -4347,6 +4347,10 @@ def testZeroForDiminished(self):
         self.assertEqual([p.name for p in rn.pitches], ['B', 'D', 'F', 'A-'])
         rn = roman.RomanNumeral('vii/07', 'c')
         self.assertEqual([p.name for p in rn.pitches], ['B', 'D', 'F', 'A'])
+        # However, when there is a '10' somewhere in the figure, don't replace
+        #   the 0 (this occurs in DCML corpora)
+        rn = roman.RomanNumeral('V7[add10]', 'c')
+        self.assertEqual([p.name for p in rn.pitches], ['G', 'B-', 'B', 'D', 'F'])
     def testIII7(self):
         c = chord.Chord(['E4', 'G4', 'B4', 'D5'])
diff --git a/music21/romanText/tsvConverter.py b/music21/romanText/tsvConverter.py
index 145722668..ee873642a 100644
--- a/music21/romanText/tsvConverter.py
+++ b/music21/romanText/tsvConverter.py
@@ -256,12 +256,21 @@ def _changeRepresentation(self) -> None:
             if self.dcml_version == 2:
                 self.chord = self.chord.replace('%', 'ø')
                 self.chord = handleAddedTones(self.chord)
+                # prefix figures for Mm7 chords on degrees other than 'V' with 'd'
                 if (
                     self.extra.get('chord_type', '') == 'Mm7'
                     and self.numeral != 'V'
-                    # we need to make sure not to match [add4] and the like
-                    self.chord = re.sub(r'(\d+)(?!])', r'd\1', self.chord)
+                    # However, we need to make sure not to match [add13] and
+                    # the like, otherwise we will end up with [addd13]
+                    self.chord = re.sub(
+                        r'''
+                            (\d+)  # match one or more digits
+                            (?![\]\d])  # without a digit or a ']' to the right
+                        ''',
+                        r'd\1',
+                        self.chord,
+                        flags=re.VERBOSE)
         # Local - relative and figure
         if isMinor(self.local_key):
@@ -869,7 +878,10 @@ def _m21ToTsv_v2(self) -> list[list[str]]:
                     relativeroot = characterSwaps(
                         relativeroot, isMinor(local_key), direction='m21-DCML'
-                thisEntry.chord = thisRN.figure  # NB: slightly different from DCML: no key.
+                # We replace the "d" annotation for Mm7 chords on degrees other than
+                #   V because it is not used by the DCML standard
+                # NB: slightly different from DCML: no key.
+                thisEntry.chord = thisRN.figure.replace('d', '', 1)
                 thisEntry.pedal = None
                 thisEntry.numeral = thisRN.romanNumeral
                 thisEntry.form = getForm(thisRN)
diff --git a/music21/romanText/tsvEg_v2major.tsv b/music21/romanText/tsvEg_v2major.tsv
index 2ab24733b..7c14e0227 100644
--- a/music21/romanText/tsvEg_v2major.tsv
+++ b/music21/romanText/tsvEg_v2major.tsv
@@ -10,4 +10,7 @@ mc	mn	mc_onset	mn_onset	timesig	staff	voice	volta	label	globalkey	localkey	pedal
 99	99	1/2	1/2	3/4	4	1		Ger6/vi	C	V		Ger6/vi	Ger	vii	o	65	b3	V/vi			Ger	0	0	-1, 3, 0, 9		9	-1
 121	121	0	0	3/4	4	1		V/vi	C	i		V/vi		V				vi			M	0	1	-3, 1, -2		-3	-3
 125	124	1/16	1/16	2/4	4	1		Fr6	F	vi		Fr6	Fr	V		43	b5	V			Fr	0	1	-4, 0, 2, 6		2	-4
-142	141	0	0	4/4				#VII+/vi	C	I		#VII+/vi		#VII	+			vi			+	0	0				
+141	140	0	0	4/4				#VII+/vi	C	I		#VII+/vi		#VII	+			vi			+	0	0				
+142	141	0	0	4/4				VI43	G	iii		VI43		VI		43		vi			Mm7	0	0				
+143	142	0	0	4/4				VI43(13)	G	iii		VI43(13)		VI		43	13	vi			Mm7	0	0				
+144	143	0	0	4/4				V13	G	I		V13		V		13					Mm7	0	0