From e3c8f322395c0cf83706b9dbd8f9e749696f4af8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ThomasMiz <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 19:25:44 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Add array overload to Pack method on NET5.0
RectpackSharp/RectanglePacker.cs | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)
diff --git a/RectpackSharp/RectanglePacker.cs b/RectpackSharp/RectanglePacker.cs
index 76f43e6..7191b51 100644
--- a/RectpackSharp/RectanglePacker.cs
+++ b/RectpackSharp/RectanglePacker.cs
@@ -147,6 +147,29 @@ public static void Pack(PackingRectangle[] rectangles, out PackingRectangle boun
+ ///
+ /// Finds a way to pack all the given rectangles into a single bin. Performance can be traded for
+ /// space efficiency by using the optional parameters.
+ ///
+ /// The rectangles to pack. The result is saved onto this array.
+ /// The bounds of the resulting bin. This will always be at X=Y=0.
+ /// Specifies hints for optimizing performance.
+ /// Searching stops once a bin is found with this density (usedArea/boundsArea) or better.
+ /// The amount by which to increment/decrement size when trying to pack another bin.
+ /// The maximum allowed width for the resulting bin, or null for no limit.
+ /// The maximum allowed height for the resulting bin, or null for no limit.
+ ///
+ /// The values are never touched. Use this to identify your rectangles.
+ ///
+ public static void Pack(PackingRectangle[] rectangles, out PackingRectangle bounds,
+ PackingHints packingHint = PackingHints.FindBest, double acceptableDensity = 1, uint stepSize = 1,
+ uint? maxBoundsWidth = null, uint? maxBoundsHeight = null)
+ {
+ Pack(rectangles.AsSpan(), out bounds, packingHint, acceptableDensity, stepSize, maxBoundsWidth, maxBoundsHeight);
+ }
/// Tries to find a solution with the smallest bin size possible, packing
/// the rectangles in the order in which the were provided.