We welcome discussion with our community! Please feel free to:
Be sure to search through existing issues (both closed AND open), as well as the FAQ in the wiki. If you don't find an answer, open a new issue using the 'Bug report' template. Please be as clear as possible, as it will be difficult to recieve help if people cannot figure out what is going on!
Be sure to search through existing issues with the 'enhancement' tag, as well as the roadmap. If you don't find a similar request, open a new issue using the 'Feature request' template, clearly describing what your request is.
If you feel that some part of the documentation could be made clearer, please either open an issue, open a pull request, or email us a request to update the documentation.
Open a pull request, clearly describing what you have done.
Coding conventions:
- full tab indentation
- put spaces after list items and method parameters ([a, b, c] instead of [a,b,c]), around operators (y += 10 instead of y+=10)
- generally keep your code clean. If you want your pull requests
We welcome all deployments of Think Story. Be sure to read the documentation on how to use this package with Concrete5, and share your work with us!