"Identify packages and major source code files"
represents the visual layer of our application. Classes in this package are concerned with how things are drawn to the screen or layouts are displayed.
is the package that represents the logic layer of our application. Classes in this package perform the calculations and operations behind the objects that are displayed. This class includes non-visual objects that manage the game elements and conduct the flow of the application.- the
package is the data layer of the application. Classes in this package are concerned with methods such as adding, modifying and removing persistent data. - the
package contains classes that are used across the presentation and business layers of our architecture. Classes in this package will be represented on the screen, and will also have processing done within them to determine their actions. - the
package represents the domain layer of our architecture. Classes in this package contain responsibilities of all layers of our 3-layer architecture.
- FireAttack, WaterAttack, and GroundAttack (objects/attacks) all need to be linked to GameThread (business)
- PlayerController (business) needs to be linked to GameThread (business) and GameView (business)