layout |
default |
- /new or /report - Create a new report. Must be used replying a message
- /view - View latest 10 reports you have sent to Elsa
- /show {report} - View data about a specific report
- /me - Show the data the bot have about the user
- /comment {report} - Add a new comment on an existing report.
- /about {id} - View info about a user. Can be used with @username, user_id or replying. Only will appear the data if Elsa have info about this user before the command.
- /stats - View bot statistics
- /ticket or /issue - View bot service web
- /help - Show the commands list you have available on Elsa
- /viewall or /all - View all open reports
- /accept {report} - Accept a report and send it to admins
- /reject {report} - Reject a report
- /search {id} - View all reports about a user
- /newid or /reportid {id} {reason} - Create a new report with a single id