In this section we will list all available web steps in Kraken web.
Navigate to a specific website.
Then /^I navigate to page "([^\"]*)"$/
Click on a view with id.
Then /^I click on element having id "(.*?)"$/
Enter text in a specific input with id.
Then /^I enter "([^\"]*)" into input field having id "([^\"]*)"$/
Enter text on a input with CSS selector.
Then /^I enter "([^\"]*)" into input field having css selector "([^\"]*)"$/
Wait for a specific amount of time.
Then /^I wait for (\d+) seconds$/
Assert that in current web page a text is present and visible.
Then /^I should see text "(.*?)"$/
Send a signal to another device containing a specific content.
Then /^I send a signal to user (\d+) containing "([^\"]*)"$/
Wait for a signal coming from another device and containing specific content.
Then /^I wait for a signal containing "([^\"]*)"$/
Wait for a signal coming from another device, containing specific content and for maximum amount of time.
Then /^I wait for a signal containing "([^\"]*)" for (\d+) seconds$/
Start Kraken monkey and run a specific amount of random events on the GUI.
Then /^I start a monkey with (\d+) events$/