This is a Symfony2 Bundle for interfacing with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
This bundle utilizes the AWS SDK for PHP by loading the SDK and providing the means to instantiate the SDK's various web service objects, passing them back to you for direct use.
The AWS SDK for PHP is the official Amazon-supported library for interfacing with Amazon's Web Service offerings. As such, the bundle merely provides a means (via Dependency Injection) to get at the SDK's various web service objects. There is no additional functionality at present time.
Once objects have been created, you have full access to the SDK. Please see the AWS SDK for PHP documentation for a list of each service's API calls.
AmazonWebServicesBundle may be installed via the deps file (Symfony 2.0.x) or via Composer (2.1+)
- Via Composer
Go to the require
section of your composer.json file and add
"thephalcons/amazon-webservices-bundle": ">=2.1"
OR using command line
composer require thephalcons/amazon-webservices-bundle
to the section, along with other packages you require. Now run composer.phar install
if this is a new installation, or composer.phar update
if you are updating an existing installation.
- Add AmazonWebServicesBundle to your application kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new AmazonWebServicesBundle\ThePhalconsAmazonWebServicesBundle(),
// ...
- If you are using Composer (1b), you may skip this step
Register the ThePhalcons namespace:
// app/autoload.php
// ...
'ThePhalcons' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
// ...
bin/vendors install
to have Symfony download and install the packages -
Set up your configuration.
5a) First configure your parameters.ini:
// app/config/parameters.ini
; Amazon Web Services Configuration. Found in the AWS Security Credentials.
aws_key = YOUR_KEY
aws_secret = YOUR_SECRET_KEY
aws_account_id = YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID
aws_canonical_id = YOUR_CONONICAL_ID
aws_canonical_name = YOUR_CONONICAL_NAME
aws_mfa_serial = YOUR_MFA_SERIAL
aws_cloudfront_keypair = YOUR_CLOUDFRONT_KEYPAIR_ID
aws_region = YOUR_REGION
aws_version = 'latest' #or YOUR_VERSION
Note, presently only aws_key and aws_secret are being used when constructing objects. Setting them is fine, but it won't do anything.
aws_cloudfront_pem should be contents of your pem file, including startline and endline. To work with multiline add double quotes. Example:
aws_cloudfront_private_key_pem = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
*private key goes here*
5b) Set up your application configuration:
// app/config/config.yml
# Amazon Web Services Configuration
# for stream wrapper use : [S3, SES ...]
enable_extensions: []
region: %aws_region%
version: %aws_version%
account_id: %aws_account_id%
canonical_id: %aws_canonical_id%
canonical_name: %aws_canonical_name%
mfa_serial: %aws_mfa_serial%
cloudfront_keypair: %aws_cloudfront_keypair%
cloudfront_pem: %aws_cloudfront_pem%
default_cache_config: null
certificate_authority: false
disable_auto_config: false
Note, as in 5a) above, only the key and secret are presently being used, so it is safe to omit the rest if you wish.
The AWS SDK by default looks for configuration files in various standard locations. If they're not found, error messages are emitted to the web server's log, though performance is not impacted. If you do not use the auto-configuration and wish to suppress the error messages, enable the disable_auto_config option.
You're welcome to skip setting the configurations in parameters.ini (5a) and set the values directly in config.yml, however, the setup shown here is following the example that Sensio used for Symfony with regards to database setup, and keeping the actual private configuration values in parameters.ini and utilizing them in config.yml.
Once installed, you simply need to request the appropriate service for the Amazon Web Service object you wish to use. The returned object will then allow you full access the API for the requested service.
Please see the AWS SDK for PHP documentation for a list of each service's API calls.
In this example, we get an AmazonSQS object from the AWS SDK for PHP library by requesting the aws_sqs
service. We then use that object to retrieve a message from an existing Amazon SQS queue.
// src/Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/YourController.php
public function someAction()
// Get a AmazonSQS object
$sqs = $this->container->get('aws_sqs');
// Get a message from an existing queue
$response = $sqs->receive_message($queueUrl);
// Do stuff with the received message response object
// ...
The following services are available, each returning an object allowing access to the respective Amazon Web Service
Please note, at this time, thorough testing has not been completed. Because this bundle merely creates object from the SDK and passes them though to you, there shouldn't be any issues. However, this message is here as warning, just in case. In the event that a bug exists within the bundle's service definitions (and not within the SDK itself), please let me know!
Symfony Service Name | AWS SDK for PHP Object | Description |
aws_as | AmazonAS | Amazon Auto Scaling |
aws_cloud_formation | AmazonCloudFormation | Amazon CloudFormation |
aws_cloud_front | AmazonCloudFront | Amazon CloudFront |
aws_cloud_search | AmazonCloudSearch | Amazon CloudSearch |
aws_cloud_watch | AmazonCloudWatch | Amazon CloudWatch |
aws_dynamo_db | AmazonDynamoDB | Amazon DynamoDB |
aws_ec2 | AmazonEC2 | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) |
aws_elb | AmazonELB | Amazon Elastic Load Balancing |
aws_emr | AmazonEMR | Amazon Elastic MapReduce |
aws_elasti_cache | AmazonElastiCache | Amazon ElastiCache |
aws_elastic_beanstalk | AmazonElasticBeanstalk | Amazon Elastic Beanstalk |
aws_iam | AmazonIAM | Amazon Identity and Access Management |
aws_import_export | AmazonImportExport | Amazon Import/Export |
aws_rds | AmazonRDS | Amazon Relational Database Service |
aws_s3 | AmazonS3 | Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) |
aws_sdb | AmazonSDB | Amazon SimpleDB |
aws_ses | AmazonSES | Amazon Simple Email Service |
aws_sns | AmazonSNS | Amazon Simple Notification Service |
aws_sqs | AmazonSQS | Amazon Simple Queue Service |
aws_sts | AmazonSTS | Amazon Security Token Service |
aws_swf | AmazonSWF | Amazon Simple Workflow |
aws_Route53 | AmazonRoute53 | Amazon Route 53 |