User login flow to access the platform.
flowchart TD
First[User has account]
Login(User login)
First --> |yes| Login
First --> |no| Registry
Registry --> Login
Update camera configuration if existing or register a new camera if missing.
flowchart TD
App(Initial page)
All(See all cameras)
Single(Single camera)
Register(Register camera)
App --> All
All --> Single
App --> Register
Data can be uploaded automatically via a desktop application or manually.
The user will go into the wilderness to get their SD card and either bring an alternative SD card with a new configuration or read it on the spot with a laptop.
The dataset can be retrieved from the SD card using generic file-system readers.
Users can upload the dataset and/or the occurrences log to Wildlife Watcher platform for downstream tasks.
flowchart TD
GetPhysicalData(Get physical camera)
UploadToPlatform(Upload to Wildlife Watcher platform)
ImportImages(Import animal detection clips to platform's datasets)
ImportDetections(Import animal detection logs to platform's observations)
GetPhysicalData --> UploadToPlatform
UploadToPlatform --> |capture mode enabled| ImportImages
UploadToPlatform --> |detection mode enabled| ImportDetections
Once the user uploads their data into the Wildlife Watcher platform, they can link those files to the data annotation tool. After the annotation is done, the output labels are imported back into the platform.
flowchart TD
SelectDataset(Select dataset)
SelectTargettool(Select target tool)
CheckToolConfig(Check tool configuration)
AskCredential(Ask credentials)
SendData(Send/sync data)
RedirectUser(Redirect the user to the website)
CollectData(Collect/sync data)
SelectDataset --> SelectTargettool
SelectTargettool --> CheckToolConfig
CheckToolConfig --> |credential doesn't exist| AskCredential
AskCredential --> SendData
CheckToolConfig --> |credential exist| SendData
SendData --> RedirectUser
RedirectUser --> |check in background| CollectData
After the image data has been annotated (labeled), it is loaded into a model training platform.
An exported model can be downloaded to user’s computer and placed on the SD card. The camera device can then read the model and use it for detection on next system boot.
flowchart TD
Start[Select annotated dataset]
Link[Link the annotated dataset to the model training platform]
TrainBranch[Was a model already trained?]
Train[Train a model with a new architecture]
FineTune[Fine-tune an existing model]
Evaluate[Evaluate the new model on test dataset]
Export[Export the model in the format for target platform]
Start --> Link
Link --> TrainBranch
TrainBranch --> |No| Train
TrainBranch --> |Yes| FineTune
Train --> Evaluate
FineTune --> Evaluate
Evaluate --> Export
Once the model has been trained and exported from the platform, the user needs to place it in the SD card before loading it onto the camera.
flowchart TD
Connect[Connect the Wildlife Watcher camera to computer]
Dowload[Download exported model to user's computer]
Place[Place the model onto the SD card for next]
UpgradeIf[Does the camera firmware need an upgrade?]
Upgrade[Upgrade the firmware of the camera]
Deploy[Apply changes to the camera and place it in wilderness again]
Connect --> Dowload
Dowload --> Place
Place --> UpgradeIf
UpgradeIf --> |Yes| Upgrade
UpgradeIf --> |No| Deploy
Upgrade --> Deploy
How users are authorised via iNaturalist
Start --> U(Redirect user to iNaturalist)
U --> Auth{User authorizes our app?}
Auth --> |No| Reject(Show failure page)
Auth --> |Yes| Redirect(Redirect to app with a 'code')
Redirect --> GetToken(Get 'access token' from 'code')
GetToken --> AuthEnd[Authorisation completed]
How user can publish their frames to GBIF
Start --> U(User sends a 'publish to GBIF' request)
U --> AskCredentials(App asks user to provide their GBIF credentials)
AskCredentials --> Creds{User provided the credentials?}
Creds --> |No| Reject[Reject user's request]
Creds --> |Yes| Publish[App publishes the frames to GBIF on behalf of the user]
The next cycle waiting time is defined on the camera
flowchart TD
CheckUpdate[Check for update]
ApplyChanges(Apply changes)
EndCycle(End of cycle)
Start --> CheckUpdate
CheckUpdate --> |new update| ApplyChanges
CheckUpdate --> |no updates or no internet| EndCycle
ApplyChanges --> EndCycle
EndCycle --> |wait next cycle| CheckUpdate
This only happens if the camera/detection is enabled
If the camera is operating in the “capture” mode, the SD card will store video clips of 5-10sec for every motion detection event.
flowchart TD
Movement(Movement sensor)
ML(Run machine learning model)
SaveSD[Save to SD card / Metadata + Data]
CheckSettings(Check notification settings)
SendNotification(Send notification)
EndCycle[End detection cycle]
Start --> Movement
Movement --> |trigger| ML
ML --> |if enabled| SaveSD
SaveSD --> EndCycle
ML --> CheckSettings
CheckSettings --> |enabled| SendNotification
SendNotification --> EndCycle
CheckSettings --> |disabled| EndCycle
EndCycle --> Movement
To monitor the health of the device itself, the following flow describes the steps the camera does to report health status to the platform.
flowchart TD
CheckConfig[Check if heath check notifications are enabled]
SendStatus(Send status)
EndCycle(End of cycle)
Start --> CheckConfig
CheckConfig --> |yes| SendStatus
SendStatus --> EndCycle
CheckConfig --> |no| EndCycle
EndCycle --> |wait next cycle| CheckConfig