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Customizable Roulette Library

Node.js CI

npm install @theblindhawk/roulette

alt text alt text


@theblindhawk/roulette will soon be renamed into roulette-spinner therefore marked as deprecated (the github repository will stay the same).
The following changes will be applied on the new package:

  1. the license will be changed from ISC to MIT for convenience
  2. a few keywords such as "roll" will be changing into "spin"
  3. Vue and React utilities will be coming in the form of new packages (roulette-spinner-react and roulette-spinner-vue)

Apologies for the inconvenience!

v3.0 Features

  • Compatible with Javascript, TypeScript
  • Customize the view of the Roulette down to the details
  • Customize the click sound, the spin duration and more
  • Control the value the Roulette will land at
  • Import any of your own roulette or arrow images
  • Does not require any external dependencies
  • Test it out by running "npm run dev" after cloning

NB: check out the change log to see what changed from version 2!

v4.0 Objectives (by June)

  • library name change @theblindhawk/roulette => roulette-spinner
  • separate packages for react and vue implementations

Table of Contents


import and set up the roulette using js

import { Roulette } from "@theblindhawk/roulette";

const container = document.querySelector('.wheel-container')
const sections = [0, 8, 3, 5, 50];
let roulette = new Roulette({container, sections});
// tell the roulette to roll on said option
const result = roulette.roll();

the container variable can either be:

  1. the HTMLElement where the roulette will be placed
  2. the id of the Element where the roulette will e placed


interface Roulette = {
  container: string | HTMLElement
  sections: SectionData[]
  colors: string[]
  board: BoardData
  arrow: ArrowData
  settings: SettingData
  audio: AudioData
Value Type Default Comment
container string / HTMLElement required The id or the element that will contain the roulette
sections SectionData[] required The values of each section of the roulette
colors string[] ['#fff'] A list of (repeating) colors for the sections
board BoardData { ... } Customization for the roulette board
arrow ArrowData { ... } Customization for the roulette arrow
settings SettingData { ... } More settings such as fonts, colors, borders
audio AudioData { ... } Set up when the audio plays and its directory

NB: if the number of colors is less than the rolls they will repeat.


type Alphanumeric = number | string
type Customized = {
  background: string
  probability: number
  value: string
  font: string
  font_size: number
  font_color: string
type ImageSrc ={
  background: string
  probability: number
  value: string
  src: string
  radius: number
interface SectionData = 
  | Alphanumeric
  | Customized
  | ImageSrc


const sections = ["eat", "sleep", "drink"];
const sections = [{value: "eat", background: "green"}, {value: "drink", background: "blue"}]
const sections = [{src: "http://", radius: 10}, {src: "http://", radius: 10}]


interface BoardData = {
  element: string | HTMLElement
  doughnut: { radius: number; color: string }
  shift: number
  border: BorderData
  radius: number
  padding: number
Value Type Default Comment
element string / HTMLElement undefined the board as an html string or as an element
doughnut { radius, color } undefined the size of the hole at the center of the roulette
shift number 0 shift the starting point of "shift" degrees clockwise
border BorderData { ... } the color, width andother border related settings
radius number 120 the radius of the roulette board
padding number 20 the padding from the container

NB: board width & height is calculated as such: width = (radius - padding) * 2


interface ArrowData = {
  element: string | HTMLElement
  shift: ShiftOptions
  width: number
  height: number
  padding: number
  color: string
Value Type Default Comment
element string / HTMLElement 'standard' the arrow as an html string or as an element
shift number 0 rotate the arrow "shift" degrees clockwise
width number 60 the width of the arrow element in pixels
height number 60 the heght of the arrow element in pixels
padding number 20 the arrow's distance from the top

NB: there are currently three ready made arrow svgs: 'standard', 'thin', 'sharp'.


interface Settings = {
  roll: {
    duration: number
    landing: LandingTypes
    delay: number
  // general overridable options
  font: string
  font_size: number
  font_weight: number
  font_color: string
  border: BorderData

NB: setting options are overridable on each SectionData

Value Type Default Comment
font string { ... } The font size/weight/color of the roulette text
before string '' Add some text before the rolls[] values
after string '' Add some text after the rolls[] values
rotate number / string 0 rotate the text to face a different direction


interface AudioData = {
  src: string
  volume: number
  play: {
    once: boolean
    every: {
        milliseconds: number
        sections: number
    mute: boolean



roll options

Function Comment
roll(value) rolls the roulette to an index with said value
rollByIndex(index) rolls the roulette to said index
rollProbabilities(probs) rolls the roulette using custom probabilities[]
asyncRollByIndex(promise) rolls the roulette while waiting for the value in the promise

asyncRoll example

const { promise, resolve, reject } = Promise.withResolvers()


// keeps rolling while waiting for the value
axios.get('your_path').then((res) => {
}).catch((error) => {


Variable Type Comment
onstart function runs before rolling the roulette
onstop function runs when roulette stops rolling


To try out the code clone the repository then run:

npm install
npm run dev

Then navigate to http://localhost:5173/, there will be three examples available.

If you want to try your own code/settings edit the file index.html and the changes will be reflected immedeately!

Here is an example of a fully set up Roulette:

const img = new Image()
img.src = 'https://link_to_my_board_image.png'

const roulette = new Roulette({
  container: 'roulette',
  board: {
    element: img,
    doughnut: { radius: 10, color: 'white' },
    shift: 10, // degrees
    border: {
      width: 4,
      color: 'grey',
    radius: 120,
    padding: 20,
  arrow: {
    element: 'standard',
    width: 20,
    height: 40,
    padding: 20,
    color: '#000',
    shift: 0,
  sections: [{
    value: 'fail',
    probability: 7,
    font: 'Arial',
    font_size: 12,
    font_color: 'red',
    radius: 50
  }, {
    value: 'grey car',
    probability: 1,
    src: 'https://link_to_some_image.svg',
    radius: 50
  }, {
    value: 'blue car',
    probability: 1,
    src: 'https://link_to_some_image.svg',
    radius: 50
  }, {
    value: 'red car',
    probability: 1,
    src: 'https://link_to_some_image.svg',
    radius: 50
  settings: {
    roll: {
      duration: 10000, // milliseconds
      landing: 'edge',
      delay: 0, // WIP
    font: 'Arial',
    font_size: 12,
    font_color: 'black',
    border: {
      width: 4,
      color: 'grey',
  colors: [ 'yellow', 'white', 'white', 'white' ],
  audio: {
    src: 'https://link_to_some_audio'
    volume: 1,
    play: { once: true },

You can then roll the roulette like so.

roulette.roll() // to a random value given equal probabilities
roulette.rollIndex(2) // to the grey car
roulette.rollProbabilities() // using the probabilities given in the costructor