Releases: TendaDigital/TournamenterApp
Releases · TendaDigital/TournamenterApp
Force update tournamenter on build
v1.2.1 bump version
Implement Extension manager
Extension manager nows enables another level of integration with Tournamenter
It's possible to install and run specific extensions within TournamenterApp.
Implement Logs and Extension manager
- Implemented Logs in Server instances
- Implemented extensions instalation with npm
- Logs stick to the end
Sticky update message
Just bumping version to check updater
Test autoupdate
Testing auto update
Fixed autoupdate
v1.0.4 Update badges
Implement Auto Update
v1.0.3 fix name
Beta Version released (Win/Mac/Linux)
v1.0.2 Move icons to /build
Initial release and setup auto-build
This is a initial release of TournamenterApp Manager. It should install on Mac and Windows