NOTE: If you're consuming TIBET but not altering its source you do not need
to run the build commands outlined here. See `tibet help clone` instead.
To build TIBET you'll first need a development-friendly copy.
Follow the instructions for Installing TIBET via Git.
If you're working on changes to the TIBET source code you'll need to issue a
tibet build
command to bundle those changes into new deployable assets. These
new assets can then be consumed by TIBET projects linked to your working
directory via npm link tibet
From within the TIBET source code tree run:
$ tibet build
Issuing a tibet build
command will cause TIBET to clean any build caches,
lint, rollup (concat/minify), and then compress the various build assets.
NOTE: You will almost never need to build the underlying dependencies for
TIBET once you've performed an initial installation via Git.
If you are contributing to TIBET and need to build new versions of TIBET's
dependencies (found in TIBET/deps) use tibet build_deps
NOTE: this command can take quite some time and should only be done if you are very familiar with lower-level development including a variety of builds.
tibet build_deps
tibet build_all