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Frequently asked questions

Zephi edited this page Apr 8, 2024 · 6 revisions

How do I set up my server?

Here’s a tutorial for quickly setting up the server via localhost.

  1. Install Node.js. We'd recommend using the latest LTS version.
  2. Open a Terminal/Command Prompt window and run npm i ws. This will install ws and allow you to run your server on localhost. If there is an error, go to the /server/ folder and run (by doubleclicking) console.bat and then re-enter the command. (this entire step has been bolded because some people forget it for some reason)
  3. For the most stable experience, use the source code of the latest release. If you live on the edge or want to use the latest features, download the latest revision of the repository.
  4. Extract the downloaded file. You'll now have a folder containing all of the files the server needs to run.
  5. Open either run.bat (if you're on Windows) or (if you're not). A terminal window will open and (if there are no serious errors) the server will start up. Closing the window will shut down the server.
  6. Go to localhost:26301 in your preferred web browser.
  7. Play the game.

If you encounter problems that you need help for, visit the #hosting-support channel on our Discord Server!

I'm getting an error message that says Cannot find module 'ws'!

You haven't installed ws. Do so by running the command npm i ws.

Why am I getting a "Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this app" notification?

Running the server makes a server that can be connected to. Windows is asking if that server should be able to communicated on networks beyond your computer. If you want your server to be accessible by opening it to LAN or by port forwarding, you should allow it.

Why am I getting a "Windows Protected Your PC" notification?

Because Windows doesn't like unsigned .bat files. Click "More info" and then click "Run anyway". Optionally you can disable that notification entirely.

Something weird happened and the screen's going funky!

This usually happens because of a bug in the code somewhere. Check the files for errors and try again, or undo some recent changes.

Why is my code from my old arras-template based server not working?

We've made a lot of changes to export names, like changing exports.bent to exports.tripleShot, in order to make export names more immediately understandable to novices. We've also changed a few more minor things, most notably PARENT: [exports.genericTank] to PARENT: "genericTank".

You will need to change your code to accommodate for these changes!

I can’t add more than 30 upgrades to my tank!

Tanks are limited to 30 upgrades by default. This can be increased in app.js, but there are very few situations where you actually need that much anyway.

What hosting options are available?

This comparison is somewhat snarky and wasn't made by a developer. Please take it with a grain of salt.

  • Glitch, Replit or Heroku - Hardware from 1950
  • A VPS - money but good option if you have a playerbase and you're dedicated to your project
  • Cloudflare' Quick Tunnels, ngrok or localtunnel - requires your pc to be on

My code editor has red underlines and my game crashes but my code looks fine!

"you prob forgot a bracket, syntax error, learn js syntax, or maybe learn js basics as well"

  • @trplnr, 2023

Where is definitions.js?

We've migrated definitions to modules/definitions. Please go there instead.

The TESTBED key isn't working!

We changed it to P by default because not all keyboards have `.

Can you let players put their own images in-game?


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