We want to build a pizza from a list of ingredients. The Pizza will have a name, a description, and toppings.
Please build a client that will cover these stories, you can use any technology you feel comfortable with.
- As a builder, I should be able to list existing Pizzas
- As a builder, I should be able to create a new Pizza
- As a builder, I should be able to create toppings that can be added to a Pizza
- As a builder, I should be able to list the toppings I can to add to a Pizza
- As a builder, I should be able to add a topping to a pizza
- As a builder, I should be able to list toppings on a pizza
Once you have a client built. Deploy it some where and send the url to use it to [email protected].
Use these resources to build your client. The server with these resources can be accessed at https://pizzaserver.herokuapp.com/
GET toppings # List toppings
POST toppings # Create a topping
GET pizzas # List pizzas
POST pizzas # Create a pizza
GET pizzas/:id/toppings # List toppings associated with a pizza
POST pizzas/:id/toppings # Add a topping to an existing pizza
Example curl command to create a pizza:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" https://pizzaserver.herokuapp.com/pizzas --data '{"pizza": {"name": "belleboche", "description": "Pepperoni, Sausage, Mushroom"}}'
A Pizza is a baked, round piece of dough covered with sauce and toppings
POST /pizzas, {"pizza" => {"name" => "Belleboche", "description" => "Pepperoni, Mushroom and Sausage"}}
GET /pizzas
Raw ingredients that can be added to a pizza
POST /toppings, {topping: {name: "Pepperoni"}}
GET /toppings
Pizza Toppings are Toppings that have been added to a Pizza
POST /pizzas/:pizza_id/toppings, {topping_id: 1}
GET /pizzas/:pizza_id/toppings