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102 lines (83 loc) · 3.1 KB

HG-DREAM G4 simulation: dream 2.06


For machines with cvmfs mounted, can directly source the environment

source /cvmfs/

Change the path according to the OS.

On HPCC, everything (ROOT and GEANT4) is compiled inside the singularity environment. Log into the interactive node (more information) with e.g.

interactive -p nocona

From there run the singularity container with the following command:

singularity run --cleanenv --bind /lustre:/lustre /lustre/work/yofeng/SimulationEnv/alma9forgeant4_sbox/

The corresponding docker image can be found here, with the build file here.

If running with Docker on your local machine, firstly pull the docker image

docker pull yongbinfeng/alma9geant:latest

Then run the container with the following command:

docker run -it --rm -h dreamsim -v /path/to/DREAMSIM:/DREAMSIM yongbinfeng/alma9geant:latest

Note if you have conda installed, exit the conda environment before running the singularity container, otherwise it might cause conflicts with different ROOT versions etc.


Inside the singularity environment, build program in "build" area,

cd /path/to/DREAMSIM/directory
cd sim
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 4

Structure of software:

  • sim/ main program
  • sim/src/ of the detector
  • sim/src/ hits at each step
  • sim/src/ and hit handling

Run the code

./exampleB4b -b paramBatch03_single.mac  \
    -jobName testjob -runNumber 001 -runSeq 003  \
    -numberOfEvents 10  -eventsInNtupe 100    \
    -gun_particle e+ -gun_energy_min 100.0 -gun_energy_max 100.0 \
    -sipmType 1

The output files are:

  • root: histograms
  • csv: hits in each readout cell (2D and 3D)

Run parameters:

  • All run parameters are defined in "paramBatch03_single.mac" and may be overloaded in "".

Job submission on HPCC

the script jobs/ handles that. Run

cd jobs
# It will produce the shell scripts to submit and run the jobs on HPCC.

to submit the jobs, which can then be monitored with squeue -u $USER. More information on the HPCC batch system can be found here.


The script plotter/ handles this. It runs on multithreads with ROOT's RDataFrame. Therefore, from the login node, log to an interactive node with mutliple cores, e.g.

interactive -p nocona -c 4

Then run the script

cd plotter

under the singularity environment.

To run for the optics study, compile the helper functions in plotter/macros first with

cd plotter/macros
root -b -q -e ".L"

Then run the script
