+ Module Picker
+ You can adjust STT/TTS/LLM/LLMv2v extension modules here, the values will be
+ written into property.json file when you save.
+ {
+ // Clone the selectedGraph to avoid mutating the original graph
+ const selectedGraphCopy: Graph = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(selectedGraph));
+ const nodes = selectedGraphCopy?.nodes || [];
+ const connections = selectedGraphCopy?.connections || [];
+ let needUpdate = false;
+ // Retrieve current tools in the graph
+ const currentToolsInGraph = nodes
+ .filter((node) => toolModules.map((module) => module.name).includes(node.addon))
+ .map((node) => node.addon);
+ // Retrieve the app value from the agora_rtc node
+ const agoraRtcNode = nodes.find((node) => node.name === "agora_rtc");
+ if (!agoraRtcNode) {
+ toast.error("agora_rtc node not found in the graph");
+ return;
+ }
+ const agoraApp = agoraRtcNode?.app || "localhost";
+ // Identify removed tools
+ const removedTools = currentToolsInGraph.filter((tool) => !tools.includes(tool));
+ removedTools.forEach((tool) => {
+ // Remove the tool node
+ const toolNodeIndex = nodes.findIndex((node) => node.addon === tool);
+ if (toolNodeIndex !== -1) {
+ nodes.splice(toolNodeIndex, 1);
+ needUpdate = true;
+ }
+ // Remove connections involving the tool
+ connections.forEach((connection, connIndex) => {
+ // If the connection extension matches the tool, remove the entire connection
+ if (connection.extension === tool) {
+ connections.splice(connIndex, 1);
+ needUpdate = true;
+ return; // Skip further processing for this connection
+ }
+ // Remove tool from cmd, data, audioFrame, and videoFrame destinations
+ const removeEmptyDestObjects = (array: Array<{ name: string; dest: Array }> | undefined) => {
+ if (!array) return;
+ array.forEach((object, objIndex) => {
+ object.dest = object.dest.filter((dest) => dest.extension !== tool);
+ // If `dest` is empty, remove the object
+ if (object.dest.length === 0) {
+ array.splice(objIndex, 1);
+ needUpdate = true;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ // Clean up cmd, data, audioFrame, and videoFrame
+ removeEmptyDestObjects(connection.cmd);
+ removeEmptyDestObjects(connection.data);
+ removeEmptyDestObjects(connection.audioFrame);
+ removeEmptyDestObjects(connection.videoFrame);
+ // Remove the entire connection if it has no `cmd`, `data`, `audioFrame`, or `videoFrame`
+ if (
+ (!connection.cmd || connection.cmd.length === 0) &&
+ (!connection.data || connection.data.length === 0) &&
+ (!connection.audioFrame || connection.audioFrame.length === 0) &&
+ (!connection.videoFrame || connection.videoFrame.length === 0)
+ ) {
+ connections.splice(connIndex, 1);
+ needUpdate = true;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // Process tool modules
+ if (tools.length > 0) {
+ if (tools.some((tool) => tool.includes("vision"))) {
+ agoraRtcNode.property = {
+ ...agoraRtcNode.property,
+ subscribe_video_pix_fmt: 4,
+ subscribe_video: true,
+ }
+ needUpdate = true;
+ } else {
+ delete agoraRtcNode.property?.subscribe_video_pix_fmt;
+ delete agoraRtcNode.property?.subscribe_video;
+ }
+ tools.forEach((tool) => {
+ if (!currentToolsInGraph.includes(tool)) {
+ // 1. Remove existing node for the tool if it exists
+ const existingNodeIndex = nodes.findIndex((node) => node.name === tool);
+ if (existingNodeIndex >= 0) {
+ nodes.splice(existingNodeIndex, 1);
+ }
+ // Add new node for the tool
+ const toolModule = addonModules.find((module) => module.name === tool);
+ if (toolModule) {
+ nodes.push({
+ app: agoraApp,
+ name: tool,
+ addon: tool,
+ extensionGroup: "default",
+ property: toolModule.defaultProperty,
+ });
+ needUpdate = true;
+ }
+ // 2. Find or create a connection for node name "llm" with cmd dest "tool_call"
+ let llmConnection = connections.find(
+ (connection) => isLLM(connection.extension)
+ );
+ // Retrieve the extensionGroup dynamically from the graph
+ const llmNode = nodes.find((node) => isLLM(node.name));
+ if (!llmNode) {
+ toast.error("LLM node not found in the graph");
+ return;
+ }
+ const llmExtensionGroup = llmNode?.extensionGroup;
+ if (llmConnection) {
+ // If the connection exists, ensure it has a cmd array
+ if (!llmConnection.cmd) {
+ llmConnection.cmd = [];
+ }
+ // Find the tool_call command
+ let toolCallCommand = llmConnection.cmd.find((cmd) => cmd.name === "tool_call");
+ if (!toolCallCommand) {
+ // If tool_call command doesn't exist, create it
+ toolCallCommand = {
+ name: "tool_call",
+ dest: [],
+ };
+ llmConnection.cmd.push(toolCallCommand);
+ needUpdate = true;
+ }
+ // Add the tool to the dest array if not already present
+ if (!toolCallCommand.dest.some((dest) => dest.extension === tool)) {
+ toolCallCommand.dest.push({
+ app: agoraApp,
+ extensionGroup: "default",
+ extension: tool,
+ });
+ needUpdate = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If llmConnection doesn't exist, create it with the tool_call command
+ connections.push({
+ app: agoraApp,
+ extensionGroup: llmExtensionGroup,
+ extension: llmNode.name,
+ cmd: [
+ {
+ name: "tool_call",
+ dest: [
+ {
+ app: agoraApp,
+ extensionGroup: "default",
+ extension: tool,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ needUpdate = true;
+ }
+ // 3. Create a connection for the tool node with cmd dest "tool_register"
+ connections.push({
+ app: agoraApp,
+ extensionGroup: "default",
+ extension: tool,
+ cmd: [
+ {
+ name: "tool_register",
+ dest: [
+ {
+ app: agoraApp,
+ extensionGroup: llmExtensionGroup,
+ extension: llmNode.name,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ needUpdate = true;
+ // Create videoFrame connection for tools with "visual" in the name
+ if (tool.includes("vision")) {
+ const rtcConnection = connections.find(
+ (connection) =>
+ connection.extension === "agora_rtc"
+ );
+ if (rtcConnection) {
+ if (!rtcConnection?.videoFrame) {
+ rtcConnection.videoFrame = []
+ }
+ if (!rtcConnection.videoFrame.some((frame) => frame.name === "video_frame")) {
+ rtcConnection.videoFrame.push({
+ name: "video_frame",
+ dest: [
+ {
+ app: agoraApp,
+ extensionGroup: "default",
+ extension: tool,
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ needUpdate = true;
+ } else if (!rtcConnection.videoFrame.some((frame) => frame.dest.some((dest) => dest.extension === tool))) {
+ rtcConnection.videoFrame.find((frame) => frame.name === "video_frame")?.dest.push({
+ app: agoraApp,
+ extensionGroup: "default",
+ extension: tool,
+ });
+ needUpdate = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Update graph nodes with selected modules
+ Object.entries(data).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+ const node = nodes.find((n) => n.name === key);
+ if (node && value && node.addon !== value) {
+ node.addon = value;
+ node.property = addonModules.find((module) => module.name === value)?.defaultProperty;
+ needUpdate = true;
+ }
+ });
+ // Perform the update if changes are detected
+ if (needUpdate) {
+ try {
+ await updateGraph(selectedGraphCopy.id, selectedGraphCopy);
+ toast.success("Modules updated", {
+ description: `Graph: ${selectedGraphCopy.id}`,
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ toast.error("Failed to update modules");
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ />