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Dr-Bean edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 20 revisions

Helpful links for developing with spksrc:

To add something to spksrc, here is how to proceed

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Open a Pull Request.

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For medium to large changes (new SPKs, new features, ...)

  1. Clone spksrc git clone
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b newfeature
  3. Do stuff in it...
  4. Go back in master branch: git checkout master
  5. Update it: git pull
  6. Merge your new feature with master: git merge newfeature
  7. Push up-to-date with new feature master: git push

For light changes (bugfixes, small new features, ...)

  1. Clone spksrc git clone if not done already
  2. Pull latest version: git pull
  3. Do stuff...
  4. When you're done, pull & push: git pull && git push
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