$ composer require oz/notification-bundle "dev-master"
php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/NotificationBundle
This bundle will contain all classes to use for your notifications.
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Oz\NotificationBundle\OzNotificationBundle(),
OzNotificationBundle provides multiple abstract classes that need to be implemented. Create the following classes in your own notification bundle.
The basic configuration expects the following 3 entities:
- Create Notification Entity.
- Create EmailNotification Entity.
- Create InternalNotification Entity.
Then, add the following entities to your own notification bundle:
- Create NotificationEvent Entity.
- Create NotificationKey Entity.
- Create Method Entity.
- Create MethodMetadata Entity.
- Create UserPreferences Entity.
- Create Filter Entity.
Add the relation to your User entity:
* @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\UserPreferences", mappedBy="user")
* @var \Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\UserPreferences
protected $userPreferences;
* @param UserPreferencesInterface $userPreferences
public function setUserPreferences(UserPreferencesInterface $userPreferences)
$this->userPreferences = $userPreferences;
* @return \Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\UserPreferences
public function getUserPreferences()
return $this->userPreferences;
db_driver: orm
user: Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User
notification_key: Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\NotificationKey
notification_event: Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\NotificationEvent
notification: Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\Notification
user_preferences: Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\UserPreferences
filter: Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\Filter
method: Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\Method
entity: Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\EmailNotification
renderer: oz_notification.renderer.email
notification_factory: oz_notification.notification.factory.email
sender_agent: oz_notification.sender.agent.email
entity: Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\SMSNotification
renderer: oz_notification.renderer.sms
notification_factory: oz_notification.notification.factory.sms
sender_agent: oz_notification.sender.agent.sms
entity: Acme\NotificationBundle\Entity\InternalNotification
notification_factory: oz_notification.notification.factory.internal
renderer: oz_notification.renderer.internal
sender_agent: oz_notification.sender.agent.internal
For each notification type that you create, you will have to:
- make sure getType() in the entity returns the alias. (e.g EmailNotification getType() should return 'email').
- make sure you have created the according method in your Method table (e.g create a row 'email' in the Method table via your backend)
If you need to override other parts of the bundle, see full configuration of the bundle.
OzNotificationBundle provides routing for a default UserPreferences controller and a default User Notifications controller.
# app/config/routing.yml
# OzNotificationBundle
resource: "@OzNotificationBundle/Resources/config/routing/user_preferences.xml"
prefix: /notifications/preferences
resource: "@OzNotificationBundle/Resources/config/routing/user_notifications.xml"
prefix: /notifications
Update your database schema
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Create following methods:
php app/console oz:method:create internal
php app/console oz:method:create email
Create your first notification key:
The first line of the rendered output is used as the subject (when used by the sending agent), with the rest of the output being used in the notification body.
The rendering of each notification follows a specific path while trying to find which template to use.
The logic used to find the template follows the path outlined below:
some.event.key => some.event.key.email.txt.twig
=> some.event.email.txt.twig
=> some.email.txt.twig
=> base.email.txt.twig
The templates should be placed in app/Resources/merkNotificationBundle/views/Notifications
and should extend the base template, though they dont have to. There is one variable passed
into the template, notification
which contains the individual notification sent for a
single user.
The template is rendered separately for each user to be notified for each notification type.
If you're interested to see how entities work behind the scenes: View more about entities
- Create SMSNotification Entity.