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Update gems
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djbe committed Jul 26, 2022
1 parent 56fc845 commit 394c510
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Showing 2 changed files with 63 additions and 9 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions Gemfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,17 +4,18 @@ source ''

# The bare minimum for building, e.g. in Homebrew
group :build do
gem 'rake', '~> 13.0'
gem 'xcpretty', '~> 0.3'
gem 'rake', '~> 13.0'
gem 'xcpretty', '~> 0.3'

# In addition to :build, for contributing
group :development do
gem 'cocoapods', '~> 1.11'
gem 'rubocop', '~> 1.22'
gem 'cocoapods', '~> 1.11'
gem 'danger', '~> 8.4'
gem 'rubocop', '~> 1.22'

# For releasing to GitHub
group :release do
gem 'octokit', '~> 4.21'
gem 'octokit', '~> 4.7'
61 changes: 57 additions & 4 deletions Gemfile.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ GEM
ast (2.4.2)
atomos (0.1.3)
claide (1.1.0)
claide-plugins (0.9.2)
open4 (~> 1.3)
cocoapods (1.11.3)
addressable (~> 2.8)
claide (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,35 +60,81 @@ GEM
cocoapods-try (1.2.0)
colored2 (3.1.2)
concurrent-ruby (1.1.10)
cork (0.3.0)
colored2 (~> 3.1)
danger (8.6.1)
claide (~> 1.0)
claide-plugins (>= 0.9.2)
colored2 (~> 3.1)
cork (~> 0.1)
faraday (>= 0.9.0, < 2.0)
faraday-http-cache (~> 2.0)
git (~> 1.7)
kramdown (~> 2.3)
kramdown-parser-gfm (~> 1.0)
octokit (~> 4.7)
terminal-table (>= 1, < 4)
escape (0.0.4)
ethon (0.15.0)
ffi (>= 1.15.0)
faraday (2.3.0)
faraday-net_http (~> 2.0)
faraday (1.10.0)
faraday-em_http (~> 1.0)
faraday-em_synchrony (~> 1.0)
faraday-excon (~> 1.1)
faraday-httpclient (~> 1.0)
faraday-multipart (~> 1.0)
faraday-net_http (~> 1.0)
faraday-net_http_persistent (~> 1.0)
faraday-patron (~> 1.0)
faraday-rack (~> 1.0)
faraday-retry (~> 1.0)
ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4)
faraday-net_http (2.0.3)
faraday-em_http (1.0.0)
faraday-em_synchrony (1.0.0)
faraday-excon (1.1.0)
faraday-http-cache (2.4.0)
faraday (>= 0.8)
faraday-httpclient (1.0.1)
faraday-multipart (1.0.4)
multipart-post (~> 2)
faraday-net_http (1.0.1)
faraday-net_http_persistent (1.2.0)
faraday-patron (1.0.0)
faraday-rack (1.0.0)
faraday-retry (1.0.3)
ffi (1.15.5)
fourflusher (2.3.1)
fuzzy_match (2.0.4)
gh_inspector (1.1.3)
git (1.11.0)
rchardet (~> 1.8)
httpclient (2.8.3)
i18n (1.12.0)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
json (2.6.2)
kramdown (2.4.0)
kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0)
kramdown (~> 2.0)
minitest (5.16.2)
molinillo (0.8.0)
multipart-post (2.2.3)
nanaimo (0.3.0)
nap (1.1.0)
netrc (0.11.0)
no_proxy_fix (0.1.2)
octokit (4.25.1)
faraday (>= 1, < 3)
sawyer (~> 0.9)
open4 (1.3.4)
parallel (1.22.1)
parser (
ast (~> 2.4.1)
public_suffix (4.0.7)
rainbow (3.1.1)
rake (13.0.6)
rchardet (1.8.0)
regexp_parser (2.5.0)
rexml (3.2.5)
rouge (2.0.7)
Expand All @@ -106,6 +156,8 @@ GEM
sawyer (0.9.2)
addressable (>= 2.3.5)
faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3)
terminal-table (3.0.2)
unicode-display_width (>= 1.1.1, < 3)
typhoeus (1.4.0)
ethon (>= 0.9.0)
tzinfo (2.0.5)
Expand All @@ -127,7 +179,8 @@ PLATFORMS

cocoapods (~> 1.11)
octokit (~> 4.21)
danger (~> 8.4)
octokit (~> 4.7)
rake (~> 13.0)
rubocop (~> 1.22)
xcpretty (~> 0.3)
Expand Down

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