- Python 3.6+
- Install python dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- (WIP: Pascal VOC)
- Bounding box, Polygon segmentation
- Please note that RLE segmentation output is compressed RLE string. It's also supported through cocoapi
- COCO stuff segmentation task uses compressed RLE string.
- (WIP: Keypoints, categorization)
- Please download and extract exported zip file. You can use sample export zip file from Export Guide page.
- User manual for export: https://docs.superb-ai.com/docs/export-and-download-labels
$ python convert.py --export-path {EXPORT_PATH} --output-path {OUTPUT_PATH} --dataset-type COCO
$ python convert.py --export-path {EXPORT_PATH} --output-path {OUTPUT_PATH} --dataset-type YOLO
- use pycocotools to decode compressed RLE