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File metadata and controls

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Seeding Data in Django

django -

  • Have Django create a seeds file automatically from the data that already exists in the table python dumpdata app-name --output app-name/seeds.json --indent=2 - Depending on if you need to change this data at all, or add more, this command could be a one time thing.
  • Empty the database of all rows inside currently. python flush and answer "yes" when prompted.
  • Load your data from the seeds file, back into the database. python loaddata app_name/seeds.json
  • Create your superuser again, as you have been deleted too python createsuperuser

Resetting a Postgres DB w/Django


  • Drop the database dropdb db_name
  • Delete migration...except
  • create the db again, createdb db_name
  • make migration python makemigrations
  • migrate python migrate
  • If you want to re seed, you can now python loadata .......

Setting up a Django Project - DRF


  • Create a new environment, and install Django into it pipenv install django
  • ✅Enter into that virtual environment with the command pipenv shell. You should see the command prompt change slightly
  • ✅Start a new Django Project django-admin startproject project .
  • ✅If not prompted by VS Code, install pylint pipenv install pylint. Create a .pylintrc file in the root of your project and add the following rules
disable=arguments-differ,missing-function-docstring,missing-class-docstring,no-self-use,raise-missing-from,no-member,missing-module-docstring,invalid-name,too-few-public-methods, relative-beyond-top-level
  • Hook up Postgres as the database. (Skip if using SQL Lite)
    • ✅ Navigate to project/ and find the dictionary called DATABASES
    • ✅ Replace Database section with
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'jurrasic-django-db',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': 5432

Install database adapter for Django/Postgres

pipenv install psycopg2-binary * ✅ Create the database in Postgres createdb name-of-database

  • ✅ Run the initial migrations for the app, to create all the default tables python migrate
  • ✅ Start the App python runserver
  • ✅ Visit the landing page at localhost:8000 to check all is running successfully
  • ✅ Create a super user for the admin app, python createsuperuser answer prompts using sensible defaults
  • ✅ Navigate to the admin site at localhost:8000/admin and login in with your super user credentials

Creating Django Apps

  • Create a new app within the project django-admin startapp app-name
  • Register my new app in the project/
  • Create my model for my new resource in the app-name/
  • Have Django check that new model and prepare to create the table for it in the database python makemigrations
  • If all is fine, have it actually run those changes python migrate
  • Register your app with the admin site in app-name/
    • Run your server and visit the admin app localhost:8000/admin
    • Add a __str__ method to your class to make your items easier to read in the admin app.

Install Django and create Environment

Create a new environment, and install Django into it

pipenv install django

  • Enter into that virtual environment with the command pipenv shell. You should see the command prompt change slightly
  • Start a new Django Project django-admin startproject project .
  • If not prompted by VS Code, install pylint for this project pipenv install pylint + create .pylintrc
  • Run the initial migrations for the app, to create all the default tables python migrate
  • Start the App python runserver
  • Visit the landing page at localhost:8000 to check all is running successfully
  • Create a super user for the admin app, python createsuperuser answer prompts using sensible defaults
  • Navigate to the admin site at localhost:8000/admin and login in with your super user credentials

Custom User Django

django Start New App

  • Start a new app, for my custom user. django-admin startapp jwt_auth
  • Add that new app to your project/ INSTALLED_APPS
  • Let Django know, to use the model we are now going to create. Add to project/ , AUTH_USER_MODEL = jwt_auth.User'
  • Go and create our new User model. Alter or add any new fields to the User model.
  • Make and Migrate that new model.
  • You may now need to reset your DB
  • Add your new user model to the admin site.

Token Auth - Django

  • Add the Python Json Web Token package. pipenv install pyjwt
  • Create a jwt_auth/ file, this will play the same role as secureRoute and will prevent non logged in requests working.
  • Add my custom authentication settings to the project/
  • Add a user serializer serializer at jwt_auth/serializers/
  • Add Register and Login view controllers at jwt_auth/
  • Add jwt_auth/ file, and hook up to project urls.
  • Add permission classes to any views you now want to be protected by authentication.

JWT Model(?) Django

from rest_framework.authentication import BasicAuthentication
from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.conf import settings
import jwt
User = get_user_model()
class JWTAuthentication(BasicAuthentication):
    def authenticate(self, request):
        header = request.headers.get('Authorization')
        if not header:
            return None
        if not header.startsWith('Bearer'):
            raise PermissionDenied({'detail': 'Invalid Authorization Header'})
        token = header.replace('Bearer ', '')
            payload = jwt.decode(token, settings.SECRET_KEY, algorithms=['HS256'])
            user = User.objects.get(pk=payload.get('sub'))
        except jwt.exceptions.InvalidTokenError:
            raise PermissionDenied({'detail': 'Invalid Token'})
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            raise PermissionDenied({'detail': 'User Not Found'})
        return (user, token)