copyright | lastupdated | ||
2017-05-15 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:new_window: target="_blank"}
{: #cli}
With {{}}, you have access to powerful tools such as a unified command line interface and CLI plug-ins. Each of these CLI downloads are all available to support your {{}} experience. {:shortdesc}
{: #downloads notoc}
Download and install the command line tool to support your {{}} experience.
{{}} CLI provides a command line experience to manage your {{}} environment. It also includes a Cloud Foundry command line interface, cf, in its installation, for managing Cloud Foundry applications and services.
Both CLI tools use 443 port by default. If you have HTTP proxy between the CLI tools and {{}} environment, you must configure the HTTP_PROXY
environment variable with the actual HTTP proxy url and port if there is any. See Using the CLI with an HTTP Proxy Server {: new_window} for more details.
Download {{}} CLI {: new_window}
View Docs
{: #cliplugins notoc}
Easily extend your {{}} command line interface with more commands. To access the {{}} command line interface plug-ins, see the CLI Plug-in Repository {: new_window}.
{: #cli_bluemix_ext notoc}
After you install the {{}} cli tool, the CLI Plug-in Repository {: new_window} is pre-configured with a repository alias
by default. You can install available plug-ins directly.
bluemix plugin install plugin_name -r Bluemix
| {{}} CLI | IBM Bluemix Container Service |
| Plug-in name: auto-scaling
View Docs | Plug-in name: container-service
View Docs |
{: caption="Table 2. Plug-ins" caption-side="top"}
Private network peering | Schematics | VPN |
Plug-in name: private-network-peering View Docs |
Plug-in name: Schematics View Docs |
Plug-in name: VPN View Docs |
{: caption="Table 3. Plug-ins" caption-side="top"} |
You can also add plug-ins from other repositories that complies with the {{}} cli architecture.
- To install {{}} CLI plug-ins from another repository, set the plug-in registry endpoint:
bluemix plugin repo-add bluemix-other-repo [repo_url]
where repo_url
is the https url of the plugin repository.
- Run the following command to install a plug-in:
bluemix plugin install plugin_name -r bluemix-other-repo
{: #cli_cf_ext notoc}
After you install the {{}} command line tool, a Cloud Foundry command line interface is also installed inside the Bluemix CLI directory. Run the Cloud Foundry CLI commands using bluemix cf
- To install cf CLI plug-ins from the {{}} registry, set the plug-in registry endpoint:
bluemix cf add-plugin-repo bluemix-cf-repo
{: codeblock}
- Then, run the following command to install a plug-in:
bluemix cf install-plugin plugin_name -r bluemix-cf-repo
{: codeblock}
Admin Console |
Plug-in name: bluemix-admin View Docs |
{: caption="Table 4. Plug-ins" caption-side="top"} |
{{}} Containers for {{}} | VPN |
Plug-in name: ibm-containers View Docs |
Plug-in name: VPN View Docs |
{: caption="Table 5. Plug-ins" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ide notoc}
Download and install plug-ins to integrate your favorite {{}} services.
Liberty for Java | MobileFirst | {{}} | API Connect | Eclipse Tools for Bluemix |
Liberty Eclipse Plug-in |
Eclipse Plug-in |
Rules Designer Eclipse Plug-in | Developer Toolkit | Bluemix Eclipse Plug-in |
{: caption="Table 6. Plug-ins" caption-side="top"} |