Releases: StreetContxt/kcl-akka-stream
Releases · StreetContxt/kcl-akka-stream
What's changed
- Scala Steward Updates - patch (#101) @github-scx
- Scala Steward Updates - minor (#102) @github-scx
- Sonatype migration (#103) @angelo-streetcontxt
- Update sbt-bintray to 0.6.1 (#71) @github-scx
- Update sbt-bintray to 0.6.0 (#70) @github-scx
📈 Dependency updates
- Scala Steward Updates - patch (#100) @github-scx
- Scala Steward Updates - patch (#98) @github-scx
- Scala Steward Updates - minor (#99) @github-scx
- Update sbt to 1.4.9 (#96) @github-scx
- Update scalatest to 3.2.6 (#97) @github-scx
- Update amazon-kinesis-client to 2.3.4 (#95) @github-scx
- Update akka-stream, akka-stream-testkit to 2.6.13 (#92) @github-scx
- Update sbt to 1.4.7 (#89) @github-scx
- Update akka-stream, akka-stream-testkit to 2.6.12 (#85) @github-scx
- Update amazon-kinesis-client to 2.3.3 (#84) @github-scx
- Update akka-stream, akka-stream-testkit to 2.6.11 (#83) @github-scx
- Update sbt to 1.4.6 (#82) @github-scx
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.3.2 (#81) @github-scx
- Update sbt to 1.4.5 (#80) @github-scx
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.3.1 (#76) @github-scx
- Update scalamock to 5.1.0 (#79) @github-scx
- Update sbt to 1.4.4 (#77) @github-scx
- Update amazon-kinesis-client to 2.3.2 (#78) @github-scx
- Update sbt to 1.4.3 (#75) @github-scx
- Update sbt to 1.4.2 (#72) @github-scx
- Update scalatest to 3.2.3 (#73) @github-scx
- Update amazon-kinesis-client to 2.3.1 (#69) @github-scx
- Update sbt to 1.4.1 (#68) @github-scx
- Update sbt to 1.4.0 (#65) @github-scx
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.5 (#67) @github-scx
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.4 (#66) @github-scx
- Update akka-stream, akka-stream-testkit to 2.6.10 (#64) @github-scx
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.3 (#63) @github-scx
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.2 (#62) @github-scx
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.1 (#61) @github-scx
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.0 (#60) @github-scx
- Update scala-collection-compat to 2.2.0 (#59) @github-scx
- Update akka-stream, akka-stream-testkit to 2.6.9 (#58) @github-scx
Contributors to this release
@angelo-streetcontxt, @github-scx and @mergify[bot]
What's changed
Update KCL to v2.3.0
📈 Dependency updates
- Update amazon-kinesis-client to 2.3.0 (#55) @github-scx
- Update scalatest to 3.2.2 (#56) @github-scx
- Update scalamock to 5.0.0 (#52) @github-scx
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.2 (#53) @github-scx
- Update scalatest to 3.2.1 (#54) @github-scx
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.4 (#51) @github-scx
- Update akka-stream, akka-stream-testkit to 2.6.8 (#50) @github-scx
🧰 Maintenance
Contributors to this release
@bpg, @github-scx and @mergify[bot]
Updated the ConsumerConfig class, and the readme section on configuration, to address some inconsistencies. See long explanation in the PR: #46
User impact, in brief:
- If you are creating a ConsumerConfig using the fromConfig method, you won't need to change anything. The new method is backwards-compatible, but adds parameters so more customization can be done with the method
- If you are creating a ConsumerConfig in another way, you might need to make some small changes: use either the fromConfig or apply method, and override the default params for customization. See the ConsumerConfig class for details.
This release also includes some dependency upgrades.
- Bumped
Upgrade to KCL v2
- Upgraded amazon-kinesis-client to 1.9.3
- Added locking around checkpoint state in case of concurrent calls on shutdown
- Better documentation and readme
- Bumped
- Added
Scala 2.12