This is for the FreeCodeCamp Chart the Stock Market project.
- Gulp
- correct linting
- auto-refreshing / restarting server
- prefixing
- modularized CSS
- Templates (or just serving React)
- Redux?
- React router?
- Animation
- Flex box
- find a stock market data source
- quotes and EOD based on date
- get a representative json
- make sure we can retrieve the time range we need (day is fine)
- read up on redux / deploying react
- read up on gulp
- read a bunch of background info
- sketch out order of things that should happen (with folder structure)
- break down pieces I can do in order
- server js
- html
- css
- client js (hardest one!)
- make app shell
- sketch static outline for the page in React
- what do they mean you need web sockets
- test a socket server
- make it read the current socket list
- figure out how to dynamically query for a time range
- first use one stock, and get one specific call
- make a function for it to work for multiple stocks
- make the function accept a time range and get appropriate dates in the middle
- make function accept mulitple quotes to query ( note: made it loop through state)
- display the data (note i just used chart.js again)
- make it interactable
- move the legend out
- be able to remove stocks
- be able to add stocks
- be able to choose locked time ranges
- be able to choose custom time range
- display error for no matching symbols
- deploy to heroku
- clean up round 1
- time data
- the graph shouldn't be wrong if there's incomplete time data
- space between days
- save off total time range
- block more clicks or something for clicking before we get the next data back
- make it prettier
- better control over redrawing graph
- handle too many search queries too quickly?
- default the button dates better
- time data
- clean up round 2
- refactor if necessary
- clean out unnecessary logs
- check on mobile
- save off specific set-ups to return to later
- ability to zoom and drag on graph
- handle not adding too many stocks (i.e. max of 100 dates added)
- make the company data API handle weird errors (RJI exists but doesn't return any data, identify errors)
- handle edge case timing with removing symbols
- make the pop-up display all open data (bold the active one)
- visual cue of someone else's update