ExpertTodo is a project to review participants' expert-todo apps in Step-to-Rails-Expert.rb, a Japanese RoR community for intermediate engineers.
Fork this repo/another forked repo, implement the features written below and take part in Step-to-Rails-Expert.rb, and then they review your app!
If you use Heroku as a platform, use ${account_name}-expert-todo
, or the url will dupulicate.
- Fork this repo
- On the master branch, run
rails new
and commit them - Move on to review branch, work there (or you can move on to another topic branch from the review branch)
- Open a PR from YOUR review branch to YOUR master branch by the day
participants review the PR from YOUR review branch to YOUR master branch.
- Fork the repo you choose
- Move on to review branch, work there (or you can move on to another topic branch from the review branch)
- Open a PR from YOUR review branch to YOUR master branch by the day
participants review the PR from YOUR review branch to YOUR master branch.
- To open a PR from YOUR review branch to YOUR master branch
- To upload the app to Heroku or other platforms
This makes it easy for participants to use the app.
- Make the source public on GitHub
- Make sure to fork this/another forked repo
- Upload the app to Heroku or other platforms
- Set up CI
- Write tests as much as you feel necessity
- Can use any CI services
- Require UI of at least the level someone doesn't feel confused in using
- Not have to guarantee existing data to be kept (you can drop existing data even in production)
You don't have to satisfy all the specifications, you can pick up features you like to create. But it is the exception if a feature is mentioned as required.
If you don't want to create them, fork a forked repository.
- Email user authentication
- Create/update/delete tasks
- Task has due date and explanation
Due date and explanation are optional.
Implement the required feature at least by 2017/11/27
- Get the task status changed into done
For example, satisfy the use case: the task, to finish cleaning by tomorrow, is finished today.
- Level 1: send a signup email
- Level 2: a task has attached files
- Level 3: Update the status of multiple tasks (task1 and task 2 into done, for example)
- Level 1: dupulicate a task
- Level 2: a task has priority
- Level 3: sync to the Google calender