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205 lines (147 loc) · 5.31 KB

File metadata and controls

205 lines (147 loc) · 5.31 KB


This project uses protobuf-net to:

  • Convert a protobuf message to a JSON string using the proto definition file.
  • Convert a protobuf message to an object using the proto definition file.
  • Convert a JSON string or an object to a protobuf message using the proto definition file.
  • Get information about the package names, message types and C# namespaces in the proto definition file.


Proto Definition

syntax = "proto3";

// Package name
package greet;

// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply);

// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
  string message = 1;

1️⃣ Convert ProtoBuf byte[] to a JSON string


var protoDefinition = "...". // See above

var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String("CgRzdGVm");

var request = new ConvertToJsonRequest(protoDefinition, "greet.HelloRequest", bytes);

var converter = new Converter();

var json = await converter.ConvertAsync(request);



1️⃣ Convert ProtoBuf byte[] to an object


var protoDefinition = "...". // See above

var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String("CgRzdGVm");

var request = new ConvertToObjectRequest(protoDefinition, "greet.HelloRequest", bytes);

var converter = new Converter();

var @object = await converter.ConvertAsync(request);

3️⃣ Convert JSON string to a ProtoBuf byte[]


var protoDefinition = "...". // See above

var json = @"{""name"":""stef""}";

var request = new ConvertToProtoBufRequest(protoDefinition, "greet.HelloRequest", json);

var converter = new Converter();

var protobuf = await converter.ConvertAsync(request);

4️⃣ Convert any object to a ProtoBuf byte[]


var protoDefinition = "...". // See above

var obj = new
    name = "stef"

var request = new ConvertToProtoBufRequest(protoDefinition, "greet.HelloRequest", obj);

var converter = new Converter();

var protobuf = await converter.ConvertAsync(request);

5️⃣ Convert any object to a ProtoBuf byte[] including the Grpc Header


var protoDefinition = "...". // See above

var obj = new
    name = "stef"

var request = new ConvertToProtoBufRequest(protoDefinition, "greet.HelloRequest", obj)

var converter = new Converter();

var protobufWithGrpcHeader = await ConvertAsync.Convert(request);

Using in Blazor WebAssembly

In order to use this library in a Blazor WebAssembly application, you need to provide a specific Blazor implementation for the IMetadataReferenceService, the BlazorWasmMetadataReferenceService.

Convert ProtoBuf byte[] to a JSON string

Dependency Injection

public class Program
    public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        // ...

        // Add AddSingleton registrations for the IMetadataReferenceService and IConverter
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<IMetadataReferenceService, BlazorWasmMetadataReferenceService>();
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<IConverter, Converter>();

        await builder.Build().RunAsync();

Blazor Page

public partial class Home
    public required IConverter Converter { get; set; }

    private State _state = State.None;
    private string _protoDefinition = "..."; // See above
    private string _messageType = "greet.HelloRequest";
    private ConvertType _selectedConvertType = ConvertType.ToJson;
    private string _protobufAsBase64 = "CgRzdGVm";
    private bool _skipGrpcHeader = true;
    private bool _addGrpcHeader = true;
    private string _json = string.Empty;

    private async Task OnClick()
        await ConvertToJsonAsync();

    private async Task ConvertToJsonAsync()
        _json = string.Empty;

        var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(_protobufAsBase64);

        var convertToJsonRequest = new ConvertToJsonRequest(_protoDefinition, _messageType, bytes)

        _json = await Converter.ConvertAsync(convertToJsonRequest);

For a full example, see examples/ProtoBufJsonConverter.Blazor.

6️⃣ Get information about the package names, message types and C# namespaces


var protoDefinition = "...". // See above

var request = new GetInformationRequest(protoDefinition);

var response = await _sut.GetInformationAsync(request);
var packageNames = response.PackageNames;
var messageTypes = response.MessageTypes;
var namespaces = response.CSharpNamespaces;

💻 Examples

📚 Resources