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3. Getting Started

mogmem edited this page Jan 13, 2017 · 5 revisions

Using TeeGrid

TeeGrid is "data-agnostic"

Data must be provided to TeeGrid using a data provider class, manually created.

The reason is TeeGrid has no dependencies on database units (DB.pas) or any TDataset component.

This enables linking a TeeGrid to any kind of data, like a TDataset, TDataSource, arrays of objects or records or a generic TList using Rtti, a TCollection, TeeBI TDataItem structures or any other source, including your own custom "virtual data" class.

Note: Support for "TDataset" or "TDataSource" components at design-time is not yet implemented.

Several classes are provided to bind data to TeeGrid, like:

  • TVirtualData in Tee.Grid.Data.Rtti unit (for arrays, generic TList etc)

  • TVirtualDBData in Tee.Grid.Data.DB unit (for TDataSource and TDataSet)

  • TBIGridData in BI.Grid.Data unit (for TeeBI TDataItem objects)

  • TStringData in Tee.Grid.Data.Strings unit (to emulate a TStringGrid)


// From a TDataSource:
TeeGrid1.Data:= TVirtualDBData.From(DataSource1);

// From an array:
var MyData : Array of TPerson; 
... fill array...

// From a TeeBI TDataItem:
var MyData : TDataItem;
MyData := TStore.Load('SQLite_Demo')['Products'];
TeeGrid1.Data := TBIGridData.Create(TeeGrid1.Grid, MyData );

Current Features

  • Huge data

TeeGrid is capable of handling a very big number of cells. For example 1 billion cells ( 1000 columns by 1 million rows ).

The only limit is the available memory, (compile for the 64bit platform).

  • Virtual data

TVirtualData or derived class to automatically create columns and provide cell values

  • TStringGrid emulation

TeeGrid can be used like a TStringGrid with a TStringsData object:

var Data : TStringsData;
Data:= TStringsData.Create;

// Initialize size
Data.Columns:= 2;
Data.Rows:= 6;

// Set header texts
Data.Headers[0]:= 'A';
Data.Headers[1]:= 'B';
// Fill rows and cells
Data[0,0]:= 'A0';
Data[1,0]:= 'B0';

// Set data to grid
  • Sub-columns (any column can have children columns)
TeeGrid1.Columns.AddColumn('My Column 1').Items.AddColumn('Sub-Column 1')...
  • Per-column formatting (font, back fill, stroke, text alignment)
TeeGrid1.Columns[3].Format.Font.Size:= 14;
  • Individual row heights (per-row custom height)
TeeGrid1.Rows.Heights[3]:= 50; 
  • Row groups

Any row can be expanded to show its detail sub-grid rows. The grid Data class must support master-detail relationships.

A TBIGridData class is provided to link TeeBI TDataItem data objects supporting master-detail See "TeeBI_Customer_Orders" example.

  • Totals and SubTotals

Automatic summary "grid bands" can be added to a header or footer, also for "detail" subgrids.

var Totals : TColumnTotals;
Totals:= TColumnTotals.From(TeeGrid1.Data, TeeGrid1.Columns);

Totals.Calculation.Add( TeeGrid1.Columns['Quantity'], TColumnCalculation.Sum);

// Add band to grid footer

// Add also a band with total names
TeeGrid1.Footer.Add( TTotalsHeader.CreateTotals( Totals ) );
  • Row "Sub-Bands"

Any row might display a grid band above the row. The "band" can be anything, from a simple TTitleBand to a complex group of bands or rows.

var Title: TTitleBand;
Title:= TTitleBand.Create;
Title.Text:='My Rows';
TeeGrid1.Rows.SubBands[23]:= Title;
  • Custom cell rendering

Default class for cell rendering is TCellRender. Other classes can be used or created to override the default behaviour, like for example to show check-boxes in columns with boolean (True/False) values:

TeeGrid1.Columns[7].Render:= TBooleanRender.Create; 
  • Cell text format (float, date-time formatting strings)
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].FloatFormat:= '0.###'; 
  • Column Visible and Expanded (for sub-columns)
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Visible:= False; 
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Items[3].Expanded:= False; // visible, but collapsed
  • Automatic column width (or fixed, in pixels or % percent of grid width)
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Width.Automatic:= False; 
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Width.Value:= 40; 
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Width.Units:= TSizeUnits.Percent;
  • Column mouse drag resizing

Dragging the left mouse button in a column header edge resizes it

  • Automatic scroll bars visibility

Scrollbars are automatically displayed when necessary. In Firemonkey they can be customized:

  • Column ordering

Columns and sub-columns can be re-positioned:

TeeGrid1.Columns[2].Index:= 0;  // move 2nd column to first (left-most) position
  • Grid Header formatting (font, back fill, stroke)
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Header.Text:= 'My Column';
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].Header.Format.Font.Color:= TAlphaColors.Red;
  • Grid Header mouse-hover
TeeGrid1.Header.Hover.Visible:= True;
TeeGrid1.Header.Hover.Format.Brush.Color:= TAlphaColors.Green;
  • Grid "indicator" column (left-most column with symbol for current row)
TeeGrid1.Indicator.Visible:= True; // <-- False to hide indicator
TeeGrid1.Indicator.Width:= 20;
  • Row highlighting (mouse-hover and selected row formatting)
// selection
TeeGrid1.Selected.Column:= TeeGrid1.Columns[3];
TeeGrid1.Selected.Row:= 5;
// formatting
TeeGrid1.Selected.ParentFont:= False;
TeeGrid1.Selected.Format.Font.Style:= [TFontStyle.fsBold];
  • Multi-cell range selection (by mouse and arrow keys)
// range selection
TeeGrid1.Selected.Range.FromColumn:= TeeGrid1.Columns[3];
TeeGrid1.Selected.Range.ToColumn:= TeeGrid1.Columns[6];

TeeGrid1.Selected.Range.FromRow:= 10;
TeeGrid1.Selected.Range.ToRow:= 15;
  • Copy selected cells to clipboard in CSV format, pressing Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert key and also by code:
Clipboard.AsText:= TCSVData.From(TeeGrid1.Grid, TeeGrid1.Selected);
  • Full selected row highlight
  • Grid and Columns ReadOnly
TeeGrid1.ReadOnly:= False;
TeeGrid1.Columns[0].ReadOnly:= True;
  • Custom Grid editors
TeeGrid1.Columns[1].EditorClass:= TCalendarEditor;
  • Rows and Columns lines separators (stroke settings)
TeeGrid1.Rows.RowLines.Visible:= True;
TeeGrid1.Rows.RowLines.Size:= 3;
TeeGrid1.Rows.RowLines.Color:= TAlphaColors.Skyblue;
  • Cell mouse-hover (highlights cell under mouse cursor)

Cell (or all cells in row) under mouse cursor can be highlighted:

TeeGrid1.Cells.Hover.Visible:= True;
TeeGrid1.Cells.Hover.FullRow:= True;
TeeGrid1.Cells.Hover.Format.Stroke.Size:= 2;
  • All coordinates as floats

For sub-pixel finetuning, Firemonkey only. VCL always rounds to integer pixels.

TeeGrid1.Header.Height.Value:=124.3;   // sub-pixels, decimals
  • Alternate row background filling (back brush, stroke settings)
TeeGrid1.Rows.Alternate.Brush.Visible:= True;
TeeGrid1.Rows.Alternate.Brush.Color:= TAlphaColors.Lightcoral;
TeeGrid1.Rows.Alternate.Stroke.Visible:= True;
  • Events

The usual Onxxx events:






TeeGrid-specific events:

OnNewDetail (called when a row is expanded to show a sub-grid)

OnShowEditor (called when a cell editor is about to be displayed)

  • Abstract Grid "Painter" (canvas)

TeeGrid Painter property is of TPainter class. This is an abstract class that can be overriden, for example to use GDI+ in VCL:

TeeGrid1.Painter:= TGDIPlusPainter.Create; // <-- Note: not yet in beta version
  • Design-time editor dialog to modify all settings and properties

Several editor dialogs, for both VCL and Firemonkey, usable at design-time and runtime to modify all TeeGrid properties like columns, formatting, etc

uses VCLTee.Editor.Grid;

Wish-List, Pending Features

  • TDataSource / TDataSet support

Improve TVirtualDBData class to support DB buffering and events

  • Easy embeddable controls in cells or rows.

To for example display sub-grids or TeeCharts below a row or inside a cell.

  • Image / Picture display in cells and header

  • Compositions (several texts, images, etc inside the same cell)

  • Column mouse-drag to reorder columns

  • Buttons at header to expand / collapse sub-columns

  • Automatic row sorting, filtering and searching

Note: Row sorting, filtering and searching is already possible with TeeBI TBIGrid control.

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