This is the hub for translating StatusPlus tools!
For now, we only accept translation for the bot of StatusPlus.
To start, please fork the repo, enter the folder, and create a JSON file. For ideas as to what the strings look like, check the EN.json file. Please name the JSON file as the official language code of that language (ISO 639-1 standard), i.e. EN.json. Once you are complete, make a pull request into the repo!
If you wish to contribute to this, please do make sure you actually understand the language you are adding/modifying, and not using a translator.
smart guy - @Rythian2277
Spanish Translations - @IJustDavi
Tagalog Translations - @totoygamingyt
Catalan Translations - @zapacni
Chinese Translations - @GnomeDevs & @7kayoh
Portuguese Translations - @MatadorProBr
Indonesian Translations - @RealEthanPlayzDev
Polish Translations - @Maginfyx & @Kiriot22
Thailand Translations - @ImFiwEditer