Supplemental materials for https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.12031
Authors: D. Semochkina, A.I.J. Forester, D.C. Woods
Corresponding Author: D. Semochkina ([email protected]), School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
This repository provides an R package to calculate multi-objective Euclidian expected quantile improvement (MO-E-EQI) presented in the manuscript.
A copy of this README.md file is available in the R Markdown file “README.Rmd”.
First, install our package MOEEQI from GitHub. We need the standard package ‘devtools’ to add our package off GitHub.
This is the standard way to import an R package into the current session
## Loading required package: usethis
Now we need to build our package MOEEQI from GitHub
Alternatively, one can download the full project from GitHub and install using
Note that the above instructions should only need running once in order to install our package. After which we can just run:
## Loading required package: MASS
## Loading required package: DiceKriging
## Loading required package: prodlim
Next, we move on to the example accompanying the paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.12031). This example is available in the ‘test_function_EQI.R’ file.
We first ensure that the “MaxPro” R package is installed and library it
if (!require('MaxPro', character.only = TRUE)) {
install.packages('MaxPro', dependencies = TRUE)
require('MaxPro', character.only = TRUE)
## Loading required package: MaxPro
## Loading required package: nloptr
Then we set the level of noise “a” (non-negative and we only considered values up to 0.5 in our analysis) and define our functions
# Set a
a = 0.25
# Test functions
f1 <- function(x, theta) {
x1 <- unlist(x[, 1])
x2 <- unlist(x[, 2])
theta1 <- unlist(theta[, 1])
theta2 <- unlist(theta[, 2])
1 - sin(x1) + x2 / 10 + a * cos(theta1) + theta2 / 10
f2 <- function(x, theta) {
x1 <- unlist(x[, 1])
x2 <- unlist(x[, 2])
theta1 <- unlist(theta[, 1])
theta2 <- unlist(theta[, 2])
1 - cos(x1) + x2 / 3 + a * sin(theta1) + theta2 / 3
Choose the number of repetitions of each model run
# Number of repetitions of each observation (model run)
MC_sample_size <- 100
Choose the number of steps of the MO-E-EQI sequential design loop
# Computational budget (steps in the loop)
Nsteps <- 9
Select initial design points.
# Input parameters ranges
x_c_1_range <- c(0, pi / 2)
x_c_2_range <- c(0, 1)
# Number of original design points
n_sample_points <- 5
# Generate original design (maximin Latin hypercube)
design_X <- MaxPro::MaxProLHD(n = n_sample_points, p = 2, itermax = 20)
design_X <- MaxPro::MaxPro(InitialDesign = design_X$Design, iteration = 10)$Design
design_X <- as.matrix(t(t(design_X) * c(diff(x_c_1_range), diff(x_c_2_range)) +
c(x_c_1_range[1], x_c_2_range[1])))
# Make it a data.frame
orig_design_X <- data.frame(x = design_X)
Choose the metric option. Currently, the mult_EQI can calculate either the negative log of the EQI (-log(EQI)), or just the negative probability of improvement (-PI).
Option <- 'NegLogEQI'
select quantile level (see EQI https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.12031 for details)
beta <- .8
Define some objects to store results
y1_orig <- y2_orig <- epsilons_orig <- NULL
y1_all <- y2_all <- NULL
var1 <- var2 <- NULL
y_plot <- NULL
Define the noise level for the second environmental variable
mu_2 <- 0
sigma_2 <- 0.5
Run the model at the original design points
for (i in 1:n_sample_points) {
# data_points <- expand.grid(theta=orig_design_X$theta[i],x=rnorm(MC_sample_size,0.4,1))
data_points <- cbind(x <- matrix(rep(orig_design_X[i,],each=MC_sample_size),MC_sample_size,2),
y1_orig <- c(y1_orig, mean(f1(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])))
y2_orig <- c(y2_orig, mean(f2(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])))
y1_all <- rbind(y1_all, unlist(c(f1(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4]), orig_design_X[i,])))
y2_all <- rbind(y2_all, unlist(c(f2(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4]), orig_design_X[i,])))
var1 <- c(var1,var(f1(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])))
var2 <- c(var2,var(f2(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])))
Provide noise standard deviation for both objectives.
noise_sd <- sqrt(c(mean(var1),mean(var2)))
noise_orig_design_sd <- cbind(apply(y1_all[,1:MC_sample_size],1,sd),
Write original design and the starting point of the final design.
design_X <- orig_design_X
Calculate future noise. Note that tau is standard deviation (not variance).
tau_new <- tau_new_func(MC_sample_size, noise_sd, 1)
tau_orig_design <- tau_new_func(MC_sample_size, noise_sd, nrow(orig_design_X))
# noise.var is the only way to have a stochastic emulator
noise.var <- list(tau1 = tau_orig_design$tau1^2,
tau2 = tau_orig_design$tau2^2)
Fit emulators
model_f1 <- DiceKriging::km(formula=~1, design=orig_design_X, response=y1_orig, covtype="gauss", noise.var=noise.var$tau1)
model_f2 <- DiceKriging::km(formula=~1, design=orig_design_X, response=y2_orig, covtype="gauss", noise.var=noise.var$tau2)
y1_new and y2_new will record new observations, prompted by EQI
y1_new <- y1_orig
y2_new <- y2_orig
y_plot <- cbind(y1=as.vector(y1_new),y2=as.vector(y2_new), x.1=orig_design_X[,1], x.2=orig_design_X[,2])
Now we move to the EQI loop to sequentially add design points to alter the Pareto front.
First, we select new points at which to calculate EQI. Covers all the points in the ranges.
newdata <- expand.grid(x.1 = seq(from=x_c_1_range[1], to=x_c_1_range[2], length.out = 100),
x.2 = seq(from=x_c_2_range[1], to=x_c_2_range[2], length.out = 100))
n_sample <- length(newdata[,1])
The next line checks which of the current design points exists in the newdata. This is necessary for tau_new function
des_rep <- design_repetitions(newdata, design_X)
The next line calculates the default tau_new if there were no repetitions.
tau_new <- tau_new_func(MC_sample_size, noise_sd, n_sample)
Update the design locations that were repeated
tau_new[des_rep[,2],] <- cbind(tau1=sqrt(tau_eq_sqrd(noise.var$tau1[des_rep[,1]],noise.var$tau1[des_rep[,1]])),
Add constraint info for objectives (currently set to no constraints).
ConstraintInfo <- NULL
# ConstraintInfo$ConstraintLimits<-matrix(c(2, 2),1,2)
# #Current observations to be compared against ConstraintLimits
# ConstraintInfo$y <- cbind(y1_new, y2_new)
Start the EQI loop
reps <- NULL
for (i in 1:Nsteps) {
#calculate EQI metric. Note that other outputs are Pareto front, design and quantile sd
EQI_newdata <- mult_EQI(newdata,design_X, model_f1, model_f2, beta, tau_new, Option=Option)
#stopping criterion
# If all expected improvements are 0 -- stop (i.e. -log(0)=Inf)
if (sum(EQI_newdata$metric==Inf, na.rm = T)==n_sample) break
# If all expected improvements are the same - select point at random
else if (length(unique(EQI_newdata$metric)) == 1) {
# Select a point to add to design
select_point <- sample(1:n_sample,1)
# Add selected point to design
design_X <- rbind(newdata[select_point,],design_X)
# If not all EQI are zero and not all the same -- standard case
else{# If not all EQI are zero and not all the same -- standard case
#find the design point with the highest EQI metric (min(-log(EQI)))
pred1=pred_Q(newdata, model_f1, beta, tau_new$tau1)
pred2=pred_Q(newdata, model_f2, beta, tau_new$tau2)
m_Q1 <- pred1$m_Q
m_Q2 <- pred2$m_Q
s_Q1 <- pred1$s_Q
s_Q2 <- pred2$s_Q
if (!is.null(ConstraintInfo)) {
m_Q <- cbind(m_Q1,m_Q2)
s_Q <- cbind(s_Q1,s_Q2)
for (i in 1:length(m_Q1)){
for (j in 1:length(ConstraintInfo$ConstraintLimits)){
#We check if all the sampling points satisfy given constraints
if (!is.na(m_Q[i,j]) & m_Q[i,j]>ConstraintInfo$ConstraintLimit[j]+qnorm(beta)*s_Q[i,j]) {
within_constraints <- which(!is.na(m_Q[,1]))
}else{within_constraints <- 1:nrow(newdata)}
best_X <- which(EQI_newdata$metric == min(EQI_newdata$metric[within_constraints]))
if (length(best_X)>1) {
best_X <- sample(best_X,1)
#find the values of the best design points
impr_x <- newdata[best_X,]
repetition <- row.match(impr_x, design_X)
# Update the design_X
design_X <- rbind(impr_x,design_X)
# Run the model at the new design point (MC over x)
data_points <-cbind(x <- matrix(rep(design_X[1,],each=MC_sample_size),MC_sample_size,2),
if (is.na(repetition)) {
# Update observations
y1_new <- c(mean(f1(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])), y1_new)
y2_new <- c(mean(f2(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])), y2_new)
y1_all <- rbind(unlist(c(f1(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4]), design_X[1,])),y1_all)
y2_all <- rbind(unlist(c(f2(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4]), design_X[1,])),y2_all)
# Update the tunable future noise
tau_at_best_X <- tau_new_func(MC_sample_size, c(sd(y1_all[1,1:MC_sample_size]),sd(y2_all[1,1:MC_sample_size])), 1)
tau_new[best_X,] <- cbind(tau1=sqrt(tau_eq_sqrd(tau_at_best_X$tau1^2,tau_at_best_X$tau1^2)),
# Update the observations noise
noise.var <- data.frame(tau1 = c(tau_at_best_X$tau1^2,noise.var$tau1),
tau2 = c(tau_at_best_X$tau2^2,noise.var$tau2))
y_plot <- rbind(c(y1=mean(f1(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])), y2=mean(f2(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])),
x.1=design_X[1,1], x.2=design_X[1,2]), y_plot)
# Update observations
y1_all <- rbind(unlist(c(f1(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4]), design_X[1,])),y1_all)
y2_all <- rbind(unlist(c(f2(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4]), design_X[1,])),y2_all)
y_plot <- rbind(c(y1=mean(f1(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])), y2=mean(f2(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])),
x.1=design_X[1,1], x.2=design_X[1,2]), y_plot)
design_X <- design_X[-1,]
y1_new[repetition] <- mean_obs(mean(f1(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])),y1_new[repetition],noise_sd[1]^2/MC_sample_size,noise.var$tau1[repetition])
y2_new[repetition] <- mean_obs(mean(f2(data_points[,1:2],data_points[,3:4])),y2_new[repetition],noise_sd[2]^2/MC_sample_size,noise.var$tau2[repetition])
# Update the tunable future noise
tau_at_best_X <- tau_new_func(MC_sample_size, c(sd(y1_all[1,1:MC_sample_size]),sd(y2_all[1,1:MC_sample_size])), 1)
tau_new[best_X,] <- cbind(tau1=sqrt(tau_eq_sqrd((tau_new[best_X,]$tau1)^2,tau_at_best_X$tau1^2)),
# Update the observations noise
noise.var$tau1[repetition] <- tau_eq_sqrd(noise.var$tau1[repetition], tau_at_best_X$tau1^2)
noise.var$tau2[repetition] <- tau_eq_sqrd(noise.var$tau2[repetition], tau_at_best_X$tau2^2)
reps <- c(reps, repetition)
model_f1 <- km(formula=~1, design=design_X, response=y1_new, covtype="gauss", noise.var=noise.var$tau1)
model_f2 <- km(formula=~1, design=design_X, response=y2_new, covtype="gauss", noise.var=noise.var$tau2)
if (!is.null(ConstraintInfo)){
ConstraintInfo$y <- cbind(y1_new, y2_new)
The following code reproduces the plots from the paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.12031). Note that the legend is conditional on whether there were repeated observations.
################################# Plot 2-D #################################
grey <- '#e6e6e6' #230, 230, 230
darkgrey <- '#bdbdbd' #189, 189, 189
green <- '#9ad7cf' #154, 215, 207
purple <- '#b8b1db' #184, 177, 219
uncert <- alpha(purple, 0.2)
pareto <- green
observ <- darkgrey
#Get the EQI's outputs
EQI_newdata <- mult_EQI(newdata,design_X, model_f1, model_f2, beta, tau_new, ConstraintInfo, Option=Option)
p1 <- predict.km(model_f1, newdata, "UK")
p2 <- predict.km(model_f2, newdata, "UK")
# Plot sampled points
epsilon <- .1
# Create empty plot with labels and limits
plot(1, type="n", main=bquote(a==.(a)),
# Add uncertainty (MC samples)
Pareto_front_X <- EQI_newdata$PX
density_all <- list(NA)
for(i in 1:dim(Pareto_front_X)[1]){
cont_index <- which(y1_all[,MC_sample_size+1]==Pareto_front_X[i,1] & y1_all[,MC_sample_size+2]==Pareto_front_X[i,2])
y <- as.vector(unlist(y2_all[cont_index,1:MC_sample_size]))
x <- as.vector(unlist(y1_all[cont_index,1:MC_sample_size]))
density <- kde2d(x,y,n=20)
density_all[[i]] <- density
points(x,y,col=uncert, lwd=.1, pch=19)
# Calculate function values without environmental variables
f1_no_noise <- function(x){
x1 <- unlist(x[,1])
x2 <- unlist(x[,2])
f2_no_noise <- function(x){
x1 <- unlist(x[,1])
x2 <- unlist(x[,2])
y_1_for_pareto <- f1_no_noise(newdata)
y_2_for_pareto <- f2_no_noise(newdata)
# Find the actual Pareto front
find_pareto <- pareto_front(y_1_for_pareto,y_2_for_pareto,newdata)
# Add the actual pareto fron to the plot
points(x=find_pareto$y1, y=find_pareto$y2,col=purple, lwd=6, pch=19, type = "l")
# Add observations (y's)
points(y1_new,y2_new,col=observ,cex=2, pch=19, xlab='f1', ylab='f2',
# Add Pareto front (qunatiles from EQI algorithm)
points(EQI_newdata$Pq1,EQI_newdata$Pq2,col=pareto, lwd=6, pch=19, type = "s")
# Find, add and label the order of new observations, added by the EQI algorithm
y_plot <- cbind(y_plot, i=dim(y_plot)[1]:1)
points(y_plot[1:Nsteps,1], y_plot[1:Nsteps,2], cex=2, pch=19, col=2)
text(y_plot[1:Nsteps,2]~y_plot[1:Nsteps,1], labels=y_plot[1:Nsteps,5]-n_sample_points, cex=1.5, font=2, pos=4)
# Find, add and connect the repeatedobservations to the final mean obseration
legend_ind <- NULL
for (i in 1:dim(design_X)[1]){
cont_index <- which(y_plot[,3]==EQI_newdata$PX[i,1] & y_plot[,4]==EQI_newdata$PX[i,2])
j <- which(design_X[,1]==EQI_newdata$PX[i,1] & design_X[,2]==EQI_newdata$PX[i,2])
# connect repeated observations to the mean (final) observation
segments(x0 = y_plot[cont_index,1], y0 = y_plot[cont_index,2],
x1 = rep(y1_new[j],length(cont_index)), y1 = rep(y2_new[j],length(cont_index)),
col = 2,
lwd = 2,
lty = 3)
points(y1_new[j],y2_new[j], pch = 1, cex=2, col=1, lwd=2)
legend_ind <- cont_index
# Add legend
legend(x= "topright",
legend=c('observations','EQI pareto front',
'uncertainty', "new design points",
"real pareto front", "repeated observations",
"pooled observations"),
col=c(observ, pareto, uncert, 2, purple, 1, 2),
pch = c(19, 19, 19, 19, NA, 1, NA),
lty=c(NA, 1 , NA, NA, 1,NA, 3),
lwd=c(6,6,.1, 6, 6,2,2)
legend(x= "topright",
legend=c('observations','EQI pareto front',
'uncertainty', "new design points"),
col=c(observ, pareto, uncert, 2),
pch = c(19, 19, 19, 19),
lty=c(NA, 1 , NA, NA),
lwd=c(6,6,.1, 6)
################################# Sequential design points #################################
plot(y_plot[(Nsteps+1):nrow(y_plot),3],y_plot[(Nsteps+1):nrow(y_plot),4], xlab=expression(x[1]), ylab=expression(x[2]),
xlim=(x_c_1_range+c(-.1,.1)), ylim=(x_c_2_range+c(-.1,.1)), main=paste("Original and added new design points") , pch=19, cex=3, col=observ)
for(i in Nsteps:1){
text(y_plot[i,4]~y_plot[i,3], labels=nrow(y_plot)-nrow(orig_design_X)-i+1, cex=1.5, font=2, pos=4, offset=1)
points(y_plot[i,3],y_plot[i,4], xlab=expression(x[1]), ylab=expression(x[2]), pch=19, cex=3, col=2)
################################ Simple plot ###############################
# Plot sampled points
epsilon <- .1
# Create empty plot with labels and limits
plot(1, type="n", main=bquote(a==.(a)),
# Add uncertainty (MC samples)
Pareto_front_X <- EQI_newdata$PX
density_all <- list(NA)
for(i in 1:dim(Pareto_front_X)[1]){
cont_index <- which(y1_all[,MC_sample_size+1]==Pareto_front_X[i,1])
y <- as.vector(unlist(y2_all[cont_index,1:MC_sample_size]))
x <- as.vector(unlist(y1_all[cont_index,1:MC_sample_size]))
density <- kde2d(x,y,n=20)
density_all[[i]] <- density
points(x,y,col=uncert, lwd=.1, pch=19)
# Add the actual pareto front to the plot
points(x=find_pareto$y1, y=find_pareto$y2,col=purple, lwd=6, pch=19, type = "l")
# Add observations (y's)
points(y1_new,y2_new,col=observ,cex=2, pch=19, xlab='f1', ylab='f2',
# Add Pareto front (qunatiles from EQI algorithm)
points(EQI_newdata$Pq1,EQI_newdata$Pq2,col=pareto, lwd=6, pch=19, type = "s")
# Add legend
legend(x= "topright",
legend=c('observations','EQI pareto front','uncertainty', 'real pareto front'),
col=c(observ, pareto, uncert, purple),
pch = c(19, 19, 19, NA),
lty=c(NA, 1 , NA, 1),
lwd=c(6,6,.1, 6)