diff --git a/docs/gke/configs/cluster-kubeflow.yaml b/docs/gke/configs/cluster-kubeflow.yaml
index 326f5c8ccc5..c826d81e7b5 100644
--- a/docs/gke/configs/cluster-kubeflow.yaml
+++ b/docs/gke/configs/cluster-kubeflow.yaml
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ resources:
       # - group:data-scientists@acme.com
     # Path for the bootstrapper image.
     bootstrapperImage: gcr.io/kubeflow-images-public/bootstrapper:latest
-    # This is the name of the GCP static ip address to reserve for your domain.
-    # This must be different for each Kubeflow deployment in your project.
+    # This is the name of the GCP static ip address reserved for your domain.
+    # Each Kubeflow deployment in your project should use one unique ipName among all configs.
     ipName: kubeflow-ip
     # Provide the config for the bootstrapper. This should be a string
     # containing the YAML spec for the bootstrapper.
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ resources:
     # You should set the following parameters in bootstrapperConfig.
     #    acmeEmail - Set this to your email address; this is used with lets-encrypt.
     #    ipName - This is the name of the static ip address reserved in GCP to be used with ingress.
-    #             keep this in sync with the value of property ipName
+    #             Keep the value of ipName in sync with the value in the bootstrapper config section below.
     #    hostName - This is the fully qualified domain name to serve Kubeflow at.
     #       1. To use the GCP provided domain endpoints.<Project>.cloud.goog set this to
     #          <name>.endpoints.<Project>.cloud.goog
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ resources:
             value: johnDoe@acme.com
           - component: iap-ingress
             name: ipName
-            # TODO: Keep this in sync with the value of property ipName
+            # TODO: make sure value of ipName is the same as property <ipName>.
             value: ipName
           - component: iap-ingress
             name: hostname
diff --git a/docs/gke/configs/env-kubeflow.sh b/docs/gke/configs/env-kubeflow.sh
index c59bfe6bb45..900c385d9b8 100644
--- a/docs/gke/configs/env-kubeflow.sh
+++ b/docs/gke/configs/env-kubeflow.sh
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 # Bucket and project must be unique for each project 
 # Set PROJECT to the project you want to use with Kubeflow.
-export PROJECT=kubeflow
+export PROJECT=<your_project>
 # Set DEPLOYMENT_NAME to the name to give to the deployment.
 # The name must be unique for each deployment within your project.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export DEPLOYMENT_NAME=kubeflow
 export ZONE=us-east1-d
 # Set config file to the YAML file defining your deployment manager configs.
-export CONFIG_FILE=cluster-${PROJECT}.yaml
+export CONFIG_FILE=cluster-kubeflow.yaml
 # Get the project number
 export PROJECT_NUMBER=`gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT} --format='value(project_number)'`
diff --git a/docs/gke/gke_setup.md b/docs/gke/gke_setup.md
index f63d60205ef..336ed311aca 100644
--- a/docs/gke/gke_setup.md
+++ b/docs/gke/gke_setup.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ The instructions also take advantage of IAP to provide secure authenticated acce
 1. Modify `cluster-kubeflow.yaml`
    1. Set the zone for your cluster
-   1. Set property `ipName` to a value that is unique with respect to your project
+   1. For `ipName`, choose a value that is unique with respect to your project, and set it to property `ipName`
    1. Set parameter ipName in bootstrapperConfig to the value selected in the previous step
    1. Set parameter acmeEmail in bootstrapperConfig to your email address
    1. Set parameter hostname in bootstrapperConfig