All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fix(dockerfile): fix the incorrect default image repository from image definition
- feat(manager): added field indexer to support only listing matching nodes with no PodCIDR allocated
- update(taints): removed Node tainting as not necessary
- fix(taints): fixed issue where Node taint was being applied irrespective of whether it was already applied
- feat(taint): added custom node taint for matching Nodes that don't have a PodCIDR assigned
- fix(controller): bad handling of Event Recorder
- fix(controller): bad handling of requeues when encountering object deletions mid-reconcilliation
- update(controller): improved logging efficiency and made logs less noisy when on default (non-debug) setting
- refactor(controller): moved some finalizer conditional logic into separate function
- feat(v1.0.0): initial release created and all previous versions migrated to Kubebuilder GO/v4
- update(webhooks): removed default and validating webhooks
- webhooks were removed since the use-case for this operator primarily requires configuration prior to networking being available. As a result, there was little benefit added with the pre-existing webhooks implementation and it created a lot of additional complexity
- feat(helm): added helm chart to source repository
- refactor(main): leader-election ID (name) made to be more descriptive and align with best practices
- refactor(main): simplify configuration model for the controller-manager
- fix(dockerfile): put arg above use to work with docker buildx
- ci(github): added GitHub workflows
- ci(dockerfile): parametarize image repository
- ci(gitlab): pass build args to use artifactory as image base and target
- docs(README): documentation for installation/usage and design/architecture
- Event rejection from Kube API server resolved by adding appropriate RBAC
- missing unit tests
- Prometheus metrics support
- cluster-wide node CIDR collision detection and avoidance
- issue where only a single nodeSelector was evaluated fixed
- implemented NodeCIDRAllocation resource Health and Status
- Cleaned up manifests
- refactored to align with golang style guide
- Initial Release