Logs will collect here. Give a day of logs or a bunch of messages to have good reports.
Reporting is via ../etc/report_generator5.py. The report_generator5 has newer feel and HTML5 coding. The index.html output is published in ../etc/www there is a .cfg file created on first run for configuring values as needed (like moving web root)
- Make sure to have
SyslogToFile = True
and default of DEBUG log level to fully enable reporting!‼️ - If you are in a venv and using launch.sh you can
launch.sh html5
Logging messages to disk or 'Syslog' to disk uses the python native logging function.
# logging to file of the non Bot messages only
LogMessagesToFile = False
# Logging of system messages to file, needed for reporting engine
SyslogToFile = True
# logging level for the bot (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
sysloglevel = DEBUG
# Number of log files to keep in days, 0 to keep all
log_backup_count = 32
There is a web-server module. You can run python3 modules/web.py
from the project root directory and it will serve up the web content.
find it at. http://localhost:8420