Capatilize all classesCreate good spriting (grouping) system that contains functions and sprite groups for specialized game spritesCreate a Game Map system with a good level system that allows levels to connect to each other, levels to load minimal save data about them, and levels that can be interchanged so the game object can read them.Give font names meaning like a css sheet so they are more easily changeable and self-explanatory'hud-playerStats-list': . . .
- Begin to develop the core aspects about the game including the idea of a "light source" that controls your energy and stats. Ideas to build on this could include:
- The light source diminishes from the player inside of caves as his contained light energy goes down
- The player has a crystal that emmits the light which additionally contains it and must be refilled by travelling to the surface
- Make enemy generators
- Give enemies attack based combat and write a projectile script
- Make overworld