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Description of the application
- It shows the to-do list with course names and tasks.
- When you add a course name, the name is added to the drop-down list below.
- When you submit the course name and a task in the second form, the list of tasks are displayed below the form.
- Tasks in the list can be deleted using the button on the right.
- GET '/api/courses' get an array of all courses
- GET '/api/courses/:_id' get a course based on its ID
- POST '/api/courses' create a new course
- GET '/api/tasks' get an array of all tasks
- GET '/api/courses/:_id' get a task based on its ID
- POST '/api/tasks' create a new task
- DELETE '/api/tasks/:_id' delete a task base on its ID
Response format: JSON
Expected POST body format: JSON
Examples on how to use each endpoint
to get all courses or tasks
- GET '/api/courses'
- GET '/api/tasks'
to get a course or task based on ID e.g. GET '/api/courses/624fbe0e022a68909eae66f3' GET '/api/tasks/624fbecfc0bac2510aa8374a'
to create a new course or task
- POST '/api/courses'
- POST '/api/tasks'
to delete a task based on its ID e.g. DELETE '/api/tasks/624fbecfc0bac2510aa8374a'