The following bicep templates will roll out:
- 'Common' resouce group, used for resources which will be used across sub environments -- Key Vault -- App Service Plan -- Container Registry -- Log Analytics Workspace
Log in to the client tenant with:
az login --tenant <tenant>
Run the deployment:
az deployment sub create -f common.bicep -l australiaeast -s <subscription id>
Provide a name for the project during the deployment phase.
Once complete, in the /infra/main.parameters.json file:
- Enter the
as the value you entered above - Copy the log analytics workspace Id from the properties tab of the Azure Portal OR
az monitor log-analytics workspace list
- Enter the object Id and the object name of the ClientName (Azure Contributors) for the SQL credentials.
Now create the keyvault key, as we can't do this with ARM:
az keyvault key create -n "dataprotection-key" --kty "RSA" --size 2048 --vault-name "kv-"
Create new environments with ????
azd provision