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(applicable for Minecraft 1.13.x - 1.19.x)
Snapshot v0.14.0 Updated: Aug. 27, 2022
(For 1.12.x version, see on this repo instead. However, please note that some advanced features may not support 1.12.x.)
Here is the source code for the Fully-Automatic Minecart Railway Builder Tool available on PlanetMinecraft.

  • Please ensure that the original author FlashTeens Chiang should be referenced in your code when applying this tool.

FTMC 全自動原版礦車鐵路指令工具
(適用於電腦版 Minecraft[Java] 1.13.x - 1.19.x)
指令工具版本: Snapshot v0.14.0 (2022-08-27 更新)
(本工具另有提供 1.12.x 專用版本,詳見此連結,但其中部分進階功能恕無法支援 1.12.x,造成不便敬請見諒。)
這裡提供本人於 PlanetMinecraft 網站所發布自動化礦車指令工具的原始碼,歡迎多加利用。
  • 使用本程式碼時,請註明原作者為 FlashTeens Chiang

By FlashTeens Chiang

English Manual / 英文版說明


  1. Download the data packs (.zip files) from one of the Google Drive Links below:
  • Click here for 1.14+
  • Click here for 1.13.x
  • There are currently three data packs: "FTMC Railway Builder for 1.13(1.14)", "FTMC Bullet Cart v2.3 Engine for 1.13(1.14)", and "FTMC Speedometer". You may apply any (or all) of them into your Minecraft map on your demand, and each of the data packs should work independently.
    • If you are migrating your Minecraft 1.13.x map to 1.14+ with this tool, please just leave "FTMC Speedometer" unchanged, and update all the others above.
    • If you are migrating your Minecraft 1.14+ map with this tool to newer Minecraft versions, then it is not necessary to update any of the three datapacks.
  • If you apply only "FTMC Speedometer" in your map, it's not necessary to do Steps 3. and 4 below.
  1. Move/Copy the data pack(s) (without unzipping) into the folder 'datapacks' of your Minecraft map directory
    (ex: '%appdata%.minecraft\saves\YOUR_MAP_PROJECT\datapacks')
  2. Enter this map in your Minecraft, and type the following command in your chat:
    /function ftmc:subwaybuilder/tools
  3. You'll get a book in-game with clickable links. Click on any of the links to get the related contraption(s) for rapidly building fully-automatic minecart subway system in Minecraft. Have fun! :D
  • If you would like to build high-speed railway lines using the "FTMC Bullet Cart v2.3 Engine", please also get the tools using the following command:
    /function ftmc:bcartv2/builder/tools
  • Check out this tutorial on PlanetMinecraft for how to use the "FTMC Bullet Cart v2.3 Engine".

中文版說明 / Chinese Manual

如何將此工具安裝在您的 Minecraft 地圖上:

  1. 從以下其中一個 Google Drive 連結下載資料包 (data pack) 壓縮檔。
  • 1.14 (含) 以上版本專用下載點
  • 1.13.x 版本專用下載點
  • 內有三個資料包: "FTMC Railway Builder for 1.13(1.14)" (鐵路指令工具)、"FTMC Bullet Cart v2.3 Engine" (子彈礦車指令工具) 及 "FTMC Speedometer" (測速工具),三者皆可獨立運作,您可以視自己的需求決定在您的地圖中使用其中一部分的資料包,或全部使用亦可。
    • 如果您先前曾使用此工具於 1.13.x 版本中遊玩,則當您升級地圖到 1.14+ 之前,只需要更新前兩項「鐵路指令工具」與「子彈礦車指令工具」即可,至於「測速工具」則可維持不變。
    • 若您先前在 1.14 (含) 以上 Minecraft 版本的地圖使用此工具,並需要再將地圖升級到更新的 Minecraft 版本,則前述三個指令包皆不需更新,可直接移植到新版 Minecraft 繼續使用。
  • 如果您在地圖中只有使用 FTMC Speedometer (測速工具),則無需進行下列 3. 4. 兩個步驟。
  1. 移動(或複製)這些資料包至 Minecraft 地圖目錄中的 'datapacks' 資料夾。(無需解壓縮)
  2. 從 Minecraft 中進入您的地圖,在聊天介面中輸入以下指令:
    /function ftmc:subwaybuilder/tools
  3. 輸入以上指令後,在遊戲中您將得到一本書,其中附有幾個連結,按下任一連結即可獲得對應的指令機關,可用以快速建造全自動的礦車地鐵系統。
  • 如需使用「子彈礦車指令工具」來建造高鐵系統,請另行輸入以下指令取得相關工具:
    /function ftmc:bcartv2/builder/tools
  • 有關「子彈礦車指令工具」的英文版使用說明詳見 PlanetMinecraft 頁面;中文版說明將擇日在巴哈姆特發布,敬請期待!