Add SlackKit
to your Package.swift
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "4.6.0"))
When built using Swift Package Manager, SlackKit includes the vapor websocket framework by default which requires libressl.
You can install it with homebrew: brew install libressl
For additional details, see the SKRTMAPI readme.
Add SlackKit
to your Cartfile
github "pvzig/SlackKit"
SlackKit is now using .xcframeworks. When building your dependencies with carthage, please specify a platform: carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks --platform macos
Add SlackKit
to your Podfile
pod 'SlackKit'
To use the library in your project import it:
import SlackKit
Create a bot user with an API token:
import SlackKit
let bot = SlackKit()
// Register for event notifications
bot.notificationForEvent(.message) { (event, _) in
// Your bot logic here
or create a ready-to-launch Slack app with your application’s Client ID
and Client Secret
import SlackKit
let bot = SlackKit()
let oauthConfig = OAuthConfig(clientID: "CLIENT_ID", clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET")
bot.addServer(oauth: oauthConfig)
or just make calls to the Slack Web API:
import SlackKit
let bot = SlackKit()
bot.webAPI?.authenticationTest(success: { (success) in
}, failure: nil)
After configuring your slash command in Slack (you can also provide slash commands as part of a Slack App), create a route, response middleware for that route, and add it to a responder:
let slackkit = SlackKit()
let middleware = ResponseMiddleware(token: "SLASH_COMMAND_TOKEN", response: SKResponse(text: "👋"))
let route = RequestRoute(path: "/hello", middleware: middleware)
let responder = SlackKitResponder(routes: [route])
slackkit.addServer(responder: responder)
When a user enters that slash command, it will hit your configured route and return the response you specified.
Add message buttons to your responses for additional interactivity.
To send messages with actions, add them to an attachment and send them using the Web API:
let helloAction = Action(name: "hello", text: "🌎")
let attachment = Attachment(fallback: "Hello World", title: "Welcome to SlackKit", callbackID: "hello_world", actions: [helloAction])
slackkit.webAPI?.sendMessage(channel: "CXXXXXX", text: "", attachments: [attachment], success: nil, failure: nil)
To respond to message actions, add a RequestRoute
with MessageActionMiddleware
using your app’s verification token to your SlackKitResponder
let response = ResponseMiddleware(token: "SLACK_APP_VERIFICATION_TOKEN", response: SKResponse(text: "Hello, world!"))
let actionRoute = MessageActionRoute(action: helloAction, middleware: response)
let actionMiddleware = MessageActionMiddleware(token: "SLACK_APP_VERIFICATION_TOKEN", routes:[actionRoute])
let actions = RequestRoute(path: "/actions", middleware: actionMiddleware)
let responder = SlackKitResponder(routes: [actions])
slackkit.addServer(responder: responder)
Slack has many different oauth scopes that can be combined in different ways. If your application does not request the proper OAuth scopes, your API calls will fail.
If you authenticate using OAuth and the Add to Slack or Sign in with Slack buttons this is handled for you.
For local development of things like OAuth, slash commands, and message buttons, you may want to use a tool like ngrok.
Don’t need the whole banana? Want more control over the low-level implementation details? Use the extensible frameworks SlackKit is built on:
Framework | Description |
SKClient | Write your own client implementation |
SKRTMAPI | Connect to the Slack RTM API |
SKServer | Spin up a server for a Slack app |
SKWebAPI | Access the Slack Web API |
You can find the source code for several example applications here.